Friday, November 24, 2023

Thanksgiving Day....

Here is what I dreamt it would look like!

I decided to do my first ever Turkey for Thanksgiving supper. 

I chose the Jennie-O breast that looked like even an idiot like myself... who can make Rubber Chicken.....
could successfully cook in the oven. 

Step 1: Take it out of the outer bag
Step 2: Slit the inner bag
Step 3: Put in in the oven and bake for two hours until it is done.

Stove top stuffing. Easy peasy!
Cornbread! Yup, I made it too!
Veggies from the garden....
and our feast was complete. 

 Meanwhile my woodland critters gathered for their little get together:

The neighbors to the east of us are hunting the meadow relentlessly for a very large buck. I hope the monster buck makes it through this season. I'd like to find his sheds.

[This shot was taken two days ago on our land by our trail camera. The fence can be seen behind the buck that separates our land from the neighbors]

I'm still stuck indoors. Grounded because the guys in the meadow are hunting and hubby doesn't want me anywhere in our woods. 

I carried on a Thanksgiving tradition of my own. 

Purging, vacuuming and cleaning the little basement. It is a job I won't do unless I am forced indoors. 

Success! I cleaned out 3 large totes! Hubby would have a fit, but I cleaned out all of the old hunting clothes that were merely blood stained rags and light overcoats of blaze orange.

They were full of holes from 40 years of hunting. Many of the jackets had rips all over them and were passed down from the days his father hunted. 
I save the good jacket but bundled up all the old stuff.

My motto is that if it hasn't been used in years? Well ... it is gone! None of these items have been used in over 7 years. 

Let's just say that I filled the back of the Subaru Outback with old items that even wouldn't make good hand-me-downs.

I vacuumed up and swept and purged and cleaned.

The past few mornings and evenings have been amazing as far as color. The shots below were taken from my porch or through the windows. 

Last night as I finished doing dishes, hubby's daughter called and they had a nice chat. It is good to see my husband smile.

Whew. So far I've survived deer hunting season and Thanksgiving. 

Next up....


  1. You got a lot done while you were forced to stay inside! What a pretty sky! Good to hear you cooked:)

    1. I did cook. Though the leftover dinner last night was kind of not brilliant.

  2. Congratulations on your Thanksgiving dinner! That's a lot of purging, good for you. Beautiful photos.

    1. It was tricky purging work, but it was wonderful!

  3. Anonymous6:15 PM

    I haven't been able to comment. Your dinner had to be good. We take a lot of shortcuts and it taste good. I love the sky colors. Your lego creatures and blue car creatures are having a great time.

  4. Your dinner sounds perfect. I have no problem with taking an easier path to the same destination! Sad you have to shelter in place, but great that you use your time wisely to clear out totes! I need a little bit of your ambition!

    1. Simple is the best in my book.
      Well it was good I wasn't out even if it was just our woods. The eastern neighbor stopped by to tell us of his encounters with other hunters his uncle let loose on the property. What a mess!

      The ambition was a direct reflection of frustration of being kept indoors!

  5. I also enjoyed watching our evening skies morph. They have been so expansively colorful these past colder few days! Surround pastel colors in the mornings too.

    Yay for your turkey day meal! No doubt Rich truly appreciated it. I make the same brand of cornbread into muffin, but the honey version.

    I also need to purge...we are almost to the end of deer gun season!


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