Friday, August 16, 2013


Grand children make you all gooey inside.

That's just a fact.
Babies and grand kids do that to me.

For some reason babies really make me all soft and mushy in the head.
Even an icky diaper doesn't bother me.

Then there is Lily.  8 yrs old and a bundle of interesting-ness.  I haven't seen her in a few years, but here she is happy to have Grandma go to the playground and go sliding and swinging with her.

Lily learned to knit [not from me] and crochet while I was with her.  She is determined to make her baby sister a scarf.
I believe she'll get it done too!

I just got back from a visit with the newest Grandchild to enter the world.  
I got all gooey.
And I sort of wanted to stay and play.

I have to come back home eventually though right?

Looking forward to doing this again.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like such fun! What better thing to make you gooey than such cute kids :-) Glad you had a lovely time!


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