Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Spring love...

Spring love...
Originally uploaded by Xena~.
Well there you go, love is in the air with the coming of the robins, bluebirds, and red wing black birds.

Today was cold and blustery. I worked very hard in PT. And am sorry to say that I hurt very much tonite! We started strenghtening exercises and ... ouch. Okay, I know I have to get through that first and it will get better.

Tonite I spoke on the phone with a gent that had lost his wife to cancer in January. He still grieves for her and he needs to ramble on to someone and I dial him up and let him talk. Amazingly enough this is someone I met on a horse board. He is a veteran like my husband and my husband wholly supports my calling 'T' and listening.

T told me tonite to hug the one I love. I have done that. He also told me never to take a loved one for granted...never to pass up an opportunity to say 'I love you'...
Never to pass up an opportunity to give a hug.

And always let your loved one--each day-- know that you love them.

I really listen to my friend. He is wise because he has lost his best friend and wife.


  1. Sage advice from your pal, and how wonderful it is that he has you to talk with. You're an angel, Val. :)

    I'm sorry that you had a rough night with your PT. You know it will all be worth it in the end, but that sure don't make it better when you're going through it, does it? :(

  2. Oh as Rich says....Cowgirl up! LOL.
    Yes my pal really needs a friend now, even if it is only by phone.


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