Saturday, January 20, 2024

Thursday -- Breaking Trail

Well Thursday was the first day this year I was able to get to the Kickapoo Valley Reserve. I had grand ideas of hiking with Charlie along the Wintergreen trail.

Easy, right? This is one of the most traveled trails in the Reserve. I slipped on my YakTracks in case it was slippery and tossed Charlie's day glow vest on him.

I was very surprised when we got past the buildings. 

Not one human had been down this trail yet. I should have worn snowshoes. 
Right away, Charlie kept getting stuck. Fresh powdery snow went down the front of his vest and clogged him down. I picked him up and we slogged through the deep snow...again.

By the time we got to the 'lookout' I was getting tired and decided that we would go no further. I reached down and pulled ice and packed snow out of his vest. I took it off and stuck it in the backpack.

The view from the bluff was interesting. I didn't get near the edge of the bluff so I took my shot from further back. 

I think it is the second time I've seen the river completely covered in ice and snow at this spot. The wind was coming right into our faces there so we didn't stick around. 

Enough was enough I was heading back.

Charlie was a different dog then. He took off bounding through the snow without a care. I had to call him back to me. What a good little guy.

 5 seconds....of a Happy Dog.

From there on, he led the way back to the parking lot.

That black dot far ahead of me is Charlie. He was bounding through my footsteps and having a grand time.

Did we get in a lot of miles? Oh heck no we didn't. 

I wonder how one mile of chugging through deep snow works out?

I guess it doesn't really matter. We enjoyed it and we were happy to get home and cuddle in the warmth of the living room.

Today is the 20th and so far I have racked up 18 miles of hiking/walking/adventuring. 

This doesn't include the days I didn't take my cell phone but I don't care. It is fun to track right now. 

Yesterday afternoon I took a break from the cold and spent time reading and relaxing.

Let's see what the weekend brings.


  1. You are so adventurous. One look at that unused trail would have had me turned rig around! Charlie sure is a sport.

  2. Personally I think you can double the miles when the snow is like that! Charlie is such a trooper.

    1. Thanks. I'll count it as is, but today I wore snowshoes and headed out. It was not as difficult as that trail was!

  3. Hopefully the next week will bring good hiking weather. Smart Charlie, getting carried until he had a trail to follow back.

    1. I went out today and it got up to 10!!!! I snowshoed through the woods and really enjoyed it. Much better than Thursday! Smiling smiling smiling.
      And the mules were all napping in the sun!

  4. You both had a good time on the way back! Slogging through the snow is hard work most likely double your miles:)

    1. Charlie is a good sport about it all. Today though he said no thanks to heading into the Wild.

  5. Anonymous6:30 PM

    LD.....When you hit the wall you just have to turn around. You used up a lot of energy to get there so you racked up more miles than you think. I love your little dog and he did have such a great time.

  6. Anonymous7:32 AM

    It is not about the miles, it is about the journey. Sounds trite, but so very true. Glad you & Charlie enjoyed your discoveries. Aurora


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