Saturday, November 03, 2018

Do you recognize this?

Email from my brother:  Artwork

Do you recognize this?

I found it buried in a box in my basement. I'd love to return it to the original artist/owner.

I opened the image and smiled with my face and my mind.

The artist was me many many years ago. I recall the art class, we were to make a sculpture of The Thinker I think. 
Well that is what I tried to do. I recall shaping the clay with my hands and being so disappointed that the clay wouldn't come to shape for me.

My hands were young and clumsy. I'd never studied human anatomy, and I felt the color and details were awful.
In fact when I brought the project home I felt embarrassed of the clunk of muddy looking clump of a human thing that I'd made.

I didn't want to show it to anyone, but I'd talked about the project at home and my dad insisted he see my sculpture.

Slowly I revealed the awful thing. I handed it to him.

My father's eyes lit up and a smile spread across his face. He claimed that it was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.
That couldn't be, I'd thought at the time. Yet he asked me pointedly if he could please have it to display.

I gladly handed the monstrous thing over to him.

The 'sculpture' faded from memory and until I opened the image my brother sent, I'd forgotten all about it.

As I stared at the ugly thing, waves of emotion flowed over me. Dad loved this enough to move it to his Wisconsin home, to move it to his Virginia home... he never tossed it. He never threw it out. He kept it.

The Thinker was no longer ugly in my eyes. Instead I saw the obvious. My father loved it because I made it.

I typed out a reply.
Yes please, I'd love to have it back.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! A great art piece is coming back to wonderful that you see it differently now:)


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