Sunday, October 08, 2023

I'd like to ...

Go hiking with you sometime she said...

Generally coordinating schedules for my hiking is nearly impossible as I often just take off on a whim and don't 'schedule' a hike.

I thought I'd give it a try. Deb is recently retired and we've talked a lot at the gym all summer long. She is about my age and is a very active person. 

We settled on a date and a spot to meet. I chose the Blackhawk Rock trail as it is a good first hike to see the multitude of wonderful things at the Reserve.

We found interesting things alongside and in the trails we took. At one point we were confronted with a long part of the trail that was covered in about 4 inches of water. I assume that the creek that flowed nearby had made its way over the trail. I offered Deb the choice of going on through and getting our feet wet or turning around.

It was a warm day and she said she didn't care. I led the way splashing like a kid through 30 feet of ankle deep water. I was loving it. 

We made it to the bluff top after very careful trekking on the trail that led up to it. The dry ground that was covered in leaves made it slippery. Not to mention the tree roots and rocks that hid under the leaves.

It is fun meeting new people and taking a walk/hike with them. It is a great way to learn about their stories and their lives. 

By the time we got back to my loaner car [mine was in the shop having the concrete debacle fixed!] Deb was all smiles and said that this had made her day.

Looks like there'll be some more hiking with her in the future.

When I got to the gym and worked out the next day, my little friend Gracie asked when she could go with me! She just turned 10. Well, why not? Company is generally good and fun.

Though often, on some hikes, I prefer to go alone so I can stop and wonder at things and not have to explain anything. Just me...and the forest.

Maybe one day I'll grow up to be a Wood Elf?

[Apparently, my nick name that others call me at the gym is The Elf, how fun is that?]

[All photos taken with my cell phone. Deb said that was her goal, to hike and take beautiful photos with her cell phone and so I decided to try it myself!]


  1. So happy you have a new hiking buddy! Deb sounds like a lot of fun, Ms. Elf! Anyone who likes to splash in puddles is my kind of person.

    I love your nickname.

  2. How fortunate for both of you, finding one another and showing her your passion for the wild! A short walk with a ten year old would be fun, Elf. :)

  3. We use to walk the creeks just because we could. It looks like your friend got to see some great sights.

  4. Fun day! Woods Elf is a perfect name for you! Nice that you have others that enjoy hiking with you!

  5. What an interesting tree! I hear you about hiking alone, (riding for me) but company is always good too.

    1. I've ridden alone for years so I know what you are talking about. I do it a bit less now.

  6. Yay for new hiking partners!! Fun to share KVR hike/s through new eyes.


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