Sunday, October 15, 2023

Catch up

The look of innocence.
Charlie says: What? Whaddya yelling for? I parfumed myself with Ode Raccoon Poo!

 Oh such is life on the farm and in the woods.

Charlie and I took some time Wednesday afternoon to just walk slowly through the forest and look for interesting things. He did the smelling and the rolling in icky stuff. I enjoyed the colors and the light.

That was before the killing frost and the 2.5 inches of rain. Those things kept me indoors which is fine because it was time to sort out the old mittens, gloves, and hats. Time to wash things up and change things out in the tiny little coat closet under the stairs.

I'm working on more projects that include sorting through stuff that hasn't been used in a while. There is a lot of it. There are tons of hunting clothes that are no longer used since hubby doesn't hunt any more. His blaze orange is rather old and torn up. It really needs to go in the trash pile.

But...he sort of wants to hang on to it. Oh the conundrum.

Pet sitting has gone well. See? Hissy Kitty lets me pet him. He even rubs up against my leg when I come into the house now.

It's been a bit of a juggling act to do everything [my chores & pet sitting chores] twice a day as the pet chores are about the same time as my regular chores. 

Plus I want to give the pets enough time and attention so they aren't feeling alone.

I took this on my morning walk with Tijo and Rupert. I must say, they have really do have great recall! [A baggy of tiny treats in my pocket insures they come when called]

We all got soaking wet the past few days when the rains poured down.
Though the rain was quite welcome after the long dry year we've had.

Saturday was a work around the flower garden day. I pulled out all the frost bitten flowers and carted them off to pile them in the woods. I had 5 little cartloads full! The wildflower garden in the side yard will not get pulled out. I'm leaving that for the birds to rummage through for the winter.

The coming week will be busy again. I have three days of appointments in a row and then I am taking my MIL's cousin out to lunch on Thursday. She's up there in age and we always try and to a lunch together to catch up a few times a year.

Looks like I need to use today to rest up for my busy week!


  1. Yes, rest up! Your photos are beautiful. I'm sure Charlie thinks he did good rolling in stinky stuff, who wouldn't want to do that?

  2. Ah Charlie! Dogs alway think there is perfume in poo! Glad you got rain but what a miserable time to walk dogs. Hope your appointment week goes well for you.

  3. Val's Doggie Day Care has been busy lately! They are all so lucky to have your trusted care. Even Kitty Boo. You do have a busy week coming up. It will feel good to get appt's done and catch up with extended family.

    Jameson & Charlie would get alone great. J is always looking to be a roller/eater of anything and everything smelly. Tank on the other hand has no interest.

    Letting go is very hard for some of us. I allow myself to hang onto my favorite oldies, and let the rest go. In increments if needed. Eventually I move on/replace, and it all goes. Maybe wearing some of his hunting stuff will encourage Rich to go outside and get more fresh air. Even if not for hunting. It will keep him warm.

    You captured natures beauty well. Thanks for sharing it!

    1. Seems I've gone to the dogs and kitties? It works for me and keeps me busy.
      I have a hard time letting go too, but I know I can discard things that will never be used again.

      Nature is so beautiful!

  4. Anonymous2:34 PM

    No frost here yet, but I do like the cooler weather. You and Sandra have gotten a LOT of rain. You are such a thoughtful pet sitter!!!!!


  5. I'm sure Charlie thinks he stinks pretty!
    I love the photos of the maple leaf all caught up in webs and twigs.
    It's hard to let go of the things that represent a lifestyle that meant so much to us. I dread the day when I will have to let go of my saddles... but I'm sure God will give me something else to focus on.

    1. So true about the saddles! I haven't even thought of our saddles! I still use mine so I guess it wouldn't cross my mind.


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