Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Interesting questions while selling on FB marketplace

This is a 'dog box' used by raccoon hunters, coyote hunters, bear, and pig hunters to haul their dogs to hunts.
We used to hunt raccoons together years ago. It was probably my favorite thing to do with my husband. Hunt at night, follow a dog into the dark woods and see if the raccoon outwitted the hound.
Hide and Seek.

I posted our box to Facebook Marketplace
Here are the questions I've been fielding like crazy...and the answers I wish I could just tell those asking...

Questions: Will it fit in my truck?
Gee, I don't know what kind of truck you have!
I then posted measurements.

Can you put 4 dogs in it?
Gee, if you have Chihuahuas you can put as many as you like in it!

I'm far away, can I ask my girlfriend to pay for it?
Gee, hmmm. Um. That doesn't even sound like idea!

Can you save it for me for a couple of weeks? I'm on vacation.
No, I posted it to get IT out of my yard.

I'm far away can you bring it to me?
No, I said For Sale: You pick up. 

Can you fit big dogs in it?
Never tried a St. Bernard.

Can I pick it up and try it?
What? Do you think I am stupid?

I want it. Can you take a lot less?
Um, gee, I already priced it to sell.

And really, the questions just keep coming.
I do hope that the person who actually made an appointment and didn't ask me to run out and measure everything twice, and take photos inside the box along with some other weird stuff...takes it tomorrow.

One more thing out of the yard and $ in my pocket.
What an enlightening experience.


  1. Anonymous7:32 AM

    That's funny!

    1. It was funny! However the sale was quick and painless to one of the respondents that scheduled a pick up right away. They had purchased a hound from my husband a few years ago and it went smoothly!

  2. People can be dense.


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