Friday, September 27, 2019

Charlie takes the Dahl Subaru Dealership by Storm

When I made the appointment on line for an oil change and tire rotation for the car at Dahl Subaru, there was a note saying that they had a mini dog park for those owners who wished to bring their canine friends with them to the service center.

I thought it would be a good trip for Charlie to try out. It was a busy city area and there would be plenty of people to see. The drive would be a bit longer than he was used to and I'd see if he had indeed gotten over his car sickness issues.

Well here is proof positive that Charlie does like car rides now. He makes sure that I am going in the proper direction from the safety of his home made car seat. He can peer out the windows but not jump out as he is held in by his harness. When he tires of watching the road, he curls up and either keeps an eye on me, or naps.

When we got to the dealership, Jason walked up to take my name and melted when he saw Charlie.
"I love him! Look at those little legs!"

I signed the paperwork to authorize the work on the vehicle and then Jason walked me to the 'dog park' or mini playground they had built attached to the dealership. Jason offered to get some fresh water for Charlie. I told him we carried his little bowl and water in my back pack.

On the way through the showroom we were stopped several times so people could meet Charlie. A couple that were inspecting a CrossTrek stopped me to show me photos of the brown daschund, and to pet Charlie of course.

Alex who has sold us two Subaru's came out to visit for a bit. He pulled out his smartphone and showed me photos of his daughter with their part daschund dog!

Another fellow stopped after parking some new vehicles and visited Charlie through the fence. A lady pushed her baby carriage up to the fence so her daughter could see Charlie.

One of the secretaries came out.
"Can I get your dog some fresh water?"
"Can I pet your dog?"

Charlie was totally engrossed by all the other dog smells. But each human deserved his personal greeting.

When the Jason from Service came back to tell me the vehicle was done, he opened the door and Charlie ran to him.

I told Jason to watch it, Charlie would slip around him and go visit everyone in the showroom and offices if he let him through.

Jason and the secretary shrugged and said, "They would love that!"
I put Charlie on his leash and he began his perp walk to the service area.

Along the way other salespeople and managers all stepped out to say hello to Charlie.
And Charlie? He just walked along as if he owned the place.

As I paid for the service at the desk, another customer walked up and asked if he could pet Charlie.

We walked to the car and Charlie looked up at me as if to say.
"Why are we leaving? There were so many nice humans in there! Let's go back!"

Charlie slept most of the way home.

I think the vote is finally in. Charlie is good for longer car rides and behaves well in strange places.

He is a keeper.
Last note. I continue to go to this dealership because of their outstanding customer service and their employees.

Last year I'd take my husband's truck to a dealership close to home and the difference is glaring. I will never return to the one close to home for anything.


  1. Anonymous9:02 AM

    A very pleasant break for you and Charlie. It took Jack two years to get over his car sickness and he never did grow to like rides so I can appreciate how nice it is to have Charlie like those rides.

    1. I found that when I made him a car seat and he could sit close yet not get in my lap for comfort he did much better. When held in a lap he never even gets nervous. But this allows for him to see out and be close. My Jack Russell adored rides and wouldn't let me out the door if I had keys in hand.
      I soooo wanted Charlie to like the car and car rides.

  2. Yeah for a good trip and a dog park how awesome is that dealership! :)


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