Saturday, February 09, 2019

Winter Thoughts

I've always said I've loved winter.
This week I am changing my mind.

Here is Charlie with his 'walking' rope going up the driveway after our last snow storm. My wonderful neighbor plowed us out again, and that night the winds blew portions of the lower driveway in. I shoveled part of it because I figured it wouldn't be a big deal.
Boy was that stuff packed in!

Let's face it. This one person with a little shovel wasn't going to clear it. I could use the skidsteer but I am a bit leery of it now. Machines and I don't like each other much.

So the neighbor said he'd come down and clean this up before he and his family left on their week long vacation.

I was all smiles about that until I just looked at the forecast for the next few days.
3-5 inches of snow and wintery mix on Sunday? Then additional 'stuff' on Monday eve through Tuesday. Um.
Rich has a PT appointment on Tuesday. It looks like the additional 'stuff' could be significant.

Plan A.
Plow with the skidsteer like crazy and make that appointment.
Plan B.
Don't go crazy and reschedule.

Plan C.
Call around and see if I can get someone to plow for me.
I like plan C.
I think I will mix up plan C with plan B.

Truthfully, I could probably get out with the big ol' Truck in most weather, but I prefer not to drive the truck. The 'Ru can handle most things.
But it is the driveway hill that strikes fear in my heart.

I guess I will just have to wait and see what comes at us this week.
My freezer is full and we have plenty of food and milk...well, I could use some more coffee.
Must always have coffee.

If I get stuck at home I can work on the calendar I was supposed to make for us. And one for the neighbor ... a small gift for all of their help.

I can practice some still life.

In fact. Things won't be that much different than they normally are.

Except ... well.
Except I will miss my neighbors dreadfully.

But I will be doing some chores each day. Feeding the goats and chickens. Checking on the snakes, rabbits, and the Madagascar Hissing Beetles.
Basil is staying with neighbor's mom.

I guess if the weather gets nasty I won't stress out. I'll reschedule the PT appointment and carry on as I always do.

Instead I will find ways to enjoy the winter weather.
The temperatures will be just about perfect for hiking and exploring, at least there will not be a Polar Vortex this week!


  1. My dogs and I just had a great time because for the first time in a while, we could walk on the snow crust. Before, the snow had been very deep in the woods, so we just stuck to our one path, which was very boring in the dogs' minds, and even mine. They had so much fun tearing around and chasing each other through the trees!
    Definitely pick an option that makes less stress for you in terms of the driveway. Messing with machinery in the winter is no joke.
    Have some fun!

    1. I am nearly hopeless with a lot of machinery. Give me a set of Percheron Mules and a plow and I'd probably have a blast. I'm opting for the easy way out this time. I think the skidsteer has to have some more work done to it before I really do much more with it.

  2. Anonymous9:50 AM

    You said it all - 'carry on as you usually do'. :) And it helps that you have a plan on how to carry on and also ways to be add joy to your life. Have fun on the outdoor adventures. The picture of the bear hip deep in snow says it all about this winter. :) Virtual hug.

    1. Yes, I developed a plan. I will hopefully have someone hired for the week to take care of snow for me. Just so I can concentrate on getting all my other duties taken care of. It would take me hours to do what a pro could do in about 30 minutes.

  3. You just need more practice with the skidsteerr! It is very cold here today it was -35 this am. We are to get snow on Tuesday. I am beginning to think that winter will be way too long this year. if it would just warm up! :) Stay warm:)

    1. I do need more practice, but I think that the skidsteer itself needs maintenance. I think paying someone else to take the risks will be worth my time at least right now since I have so many other things on my plate.

  4. alleganyrider9:01 AM

    We lost all our snow here in western N.Y. during the warm up. The grass is just covered now, early spring? You can practice with the skidster over the summer and you'll be a pro next year.

    1. We are due to have 2-4 and then at least 8 inches in a few days. I think I will just hire it done next year. That way I don't have breakdowns to worry about it.


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