Monday, February 04, 2019

The Skid Steer is...


Well, it was here all the time but it is now back together and operable.

Ohhh what a good feeling. Justin helped, well...Justin did the work and I was the tool go-fer. Poor Justin, he asked for a particular type of tool and I brought back the 'thingies' I thought he wanted. I actually got it right most of the time and what a pleasant surprise. He didn't get frustrated.

I guess that is the difference between husband and wife teams.... and the old lady neighbor and the kind young neighbor man. 
Lauren and I laughed about that phenomenon and decided that if we the wives...broke something, we should ask the other spouse to help fix it.

Justin was having a hard time getting the metal tracks back on, we kept falling short by less than an inch. Justin suggested letting some air out of the tires.
How brilliant. We had it put back together in no time and parked safely in the shed. All of the tires had been low and was probably the cause of the issue in the first place.
Live and learn.

Of course Rich still insists that I was the culprit and remains quite touchy about the subject. Even when Justin explained that the other tires only had 30 psi of air in them when they should have 60, he would not relent.

Very low tire pressure will pop the bead off with side pressure from the metal tracks. However that pure and simple explanation wouldn't work and Rich just got more agitated.

I know this is frustration on Rich's part of not having the desire or the ability right now to get out and climb in 'his' favorite piece of equipment.

He even got angry and started yelling at me after supper when I asked if I should add diesel fuel additive. He slammed his hands on the table making his supper dishes rattle and grabbed his cane and oxygen, exiting the kitchen and sat down in front of the screen to watch his current binging program.
Some days it is like living with a bi polar person gone off the rails.

An hour later, he seemed to have forgotten all about it.


  1. Glad to hear the Skidster is going again. Enjoying the warm weather here, catching up on barn work.

  2. Thank goodness for good neighbors! Glad you have it fixed again. Rich sounds frustrated...which must make you frustrated too and a bit sad. Hard not to have someone to converse with and talk things over.

  3. Anonymous9:16 PM

    I love the saying you posted at the end. So true that we can work to contol how we respond. Sending you a virtual hug.


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