Thursday, November 02, 2017

Fall Decorations on the cheep cheep.. cheap

Have glue gun ... will craft!

Well. I went to find some discounted fall decorations at the craft store and was sorely disappointed. The day before Halloween and all fall craft things were stuck in a small section with few choices. Okay not a disaster right?
However, the store was now 90% Christmas craft stuff. Most of it was rather high priced too.

I'm glad that I've spent time collecting pine cones and acorns. Free and natural things that can be turned into 'crafty' stuff that won't make me feel bad if I have to toss it in a year or so.

I did manage to find some really cheap leaf bundles at the Dollar Store so I brought them home with an idea brewing in my head.
I had wanted a Fall Garland and a Fall/Thanksgiving wreath.

I couldn't afford the ones that were on display at the store.
Walmart stick bare stick wreath. $2.99
Dollar Store bundle of fake leaves. $1
Gold Ribbon ~ well this was something I'd bought years ago.

With my old glue gun and some acorns I made a small garland to see if it would look decent.

The acorns give it just enough weight to make it hang straight.

The wreath?

The white and orange acorn came from the yard. There is a painted hickory nut glued to the wreath along with an orange and yellow sparkly pine cone that also came from the yard.

I was pleased as punch. I used a pair of clippers to take apart the Dollar Store bunches and arranged them to my liking.

Hot glue and more ribbon. Viola! My second garland!

I used a hickory nut to add weight to the ribbon on the end.

I moved on to some dried 'weeds' I'd collected with Grace last weekend. She took some weeds home for her mom and I got the left overs.
I know where I can find some milkweed pods and I will collect those in the next few days.

I headed out to the woods and fields after writing most of this and came back with a few more ideas...

I'm going to get to work on them as I have some stuff running through my head.
I will leave you with this photo of a dog food can that the kids decorated for me.

1 comment:

  1. Love free, love cheap, love nature! You nailed it.


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