Thursday, December 19, 2013

Shoot. I mean photos.

Today was my first ever paid photo shoot.

Oh, I didn't model, but I am sure that is what you were all thinking.


I had some incredible models to work with.
Aged 3, 7, and 9 years old.

I found out that I couldn't 'organize' the children to do any fancy stuff.  The lighting was not really very good, but I was able to get the job done and the photos processed and handed off to mom in 2 hours.
Mom was very happy because she can take all the photos and hand them out at their huge family gathering this weekend.

Isn't that something?
I got to play with kids, take their photos, eat cake, have tea
got paid for it!

Be still my beating little heart.

Or as my husband would say...'Your boney little heart'.

I got quite the compliment, I think when I went to pick up both Morris's Christmas card and the photos from this 'quickie' shoot.

The new guy in the photo department in the 1 hour photo lab wanted to have a release signed by the Photographer.


The lady who always waits on me told the fella that 'she is the photographer' and 'we love her work'.

Ice storm coming in tonight.  Could be some interesting shots if we get the 1/10th of an inch coating.
Snow storm headed in after that.
Oh goody.



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