Tuesday, February 01, 2022

CareGivers Nightmare!

We got a summons for Jury Duty for my husband with a note that said if there were concerns to call the clerk's office.

I'd filled out the form indicating my husband's health/memory/and mobility issues for them over a month or so ago. I talked to the clerk who rolled her eyes and took it from me. Her comment was "We'll look at it."

They didn't. So I called and she indicated that the only way they would accept the fact that a housebound veteran was unable to serve was with a doctor's note faxed to them.


Roll my eyes. For real?

I consider this scenario. Bring hubby in with his 02.

I would hand over instructions asking for a nurse to be at his side to monitor his 02 levels and set up his nebulizer 3 times a day. I'd need a nurse or deputy to handle his medications that are taken every two to three hours. [Pain meds are in there so I'd need to know I could trust said nurse or deputy.]

I'd give instructions on getting him to the washroom right away and to have a nurse or deputy make sure he was able to finish. I'd provide them with clean clothes and adult diapers for accidents in case they take too long to get him to the washroom.

There would also need to be a person to help him understand the words people were saying because it doesn't always compute after his stroke.

By the way, do they have a cot for him to lay down on? He can generally stay awake for about 2 to 3 hours before he has to lay down. 

I'd have to bring his concentrator and CPAP and have someone familiar with Respiratory Therapy to set it up. 

If it would be disruptive to the court proceedings, I guess that would be their issue. 

They could call for a ride when he is finished and sit with him until I arrived to pick him up because he is unable to drive or find his way home [11 miles out of town]

Instead, I messaged the case worker on his Palliative Care Team and she informed me she'd ask for a letter and then email it to me to print out and give to the Clerk. They will not fax because of HIPPA, but I can take it to them as his health agent.

I imagine a lot of folks try to get out of Jury Duty. I enjoyed the two times I've done it over the years. And I get it. They have to be tough on asking for jurors and it is our job as citizens to serve. 

Our county is well known for not bending at all. I assume lots of people make up excuses. 

I am even wondering if the letter handed to them by ME would even suffice. 

As caring people, we are almost used to a problem coming out of blue to muck things up.  It isn't much different than being a mother, except we are a mother to another adult.

Roll with the flow they say.

Hopefully, this will deal with the Juror issue. 


  1. I am sorry. Your time is full enough as his caregiver. You don't need these extra hassles. I am sorry they are not being more understanding.

    1. Well I understand their point of view, how many folks just call up and say they can't do it?
      It was just a hassle I didn't expect to have first thing this week!
      I guess I will look at it as yet...another learning experience that I could pass on to someone else.

  2. I wonder if you gave them his care list if they would get the point if they refuse the Doctors note from you. Or maybe a video call of you doing your care routine....

    1. If they insist once they get the letter, I will come with a suitcase and ask them to provide a county nurse and someone to dispense meds properly, along with a request for a place for him to sleep while they are doing the trail.

      I'm pretty sure the letter will suffice, but I try and think ahead and plan.

  3. Just when you think you have covered all the bases something else pops up. Sorry you have to struggle with this. Hang in there:)

  4. I am so sorry that this happened. Things are tough enough without being disrespected even though you were telling the truth. Sometimes it is the person at the front desk who really isn't in charge.

    1. I got a letter to turn in, let's see what happens next... I got this...

  5. So sorry for the added headache.

    1. I'm sure it is protocol and I shouldn't have been super surprised. Hopefully it was dealt with when I turned in the note.


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