Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Weekend Wrap up....

The past few weeks have been insane...right? Or do I just get too excited over stuff???

Maybe I need to go sit in the forest for a day and just not think or do....

Sometimes things happen in succession and drive a person up the Crazy Wall.
When I got home from CrossFit Friday morning I parked the 'Ru, then walked out late in the afternoon to see this....
By the time I had the 'fake tire' on, Ariel arrived. 

Ariel cooked Grandpa his absolute favorite meal on Friday night. Liver and Onions. She pretty much knew how to make it and I assisted. 
What a cool young lady. She wanted to celebrate her birthday weekend by cooking a meal she knew Grandpa would love.
Very thoughtful.

Saturday was to be a shopping spree for books that Ariel had in mind to add to her collection. She is a bibliophile. She had spent 3 months working overtime and extra hours to save up for some specific books she had in mind.

With a flat tire and no repair shops open over the weekend, I let her do the driving while I navigated to the stores she wanted to go to.

We wandered Barnes & Noble for hours.

We found a series of books that we both thought would be fun to read--- The Little Old Lady Behaving Badly! 

Next she took me to Chick fil A for a late lunch. 
We sure had a laugh over this sign-->

We made another stop at Michaels to browse yarn and crafty stuff.

When we turned into the last isle we found Dragons! We both think dragons are cool mythical creatures and Safari makes some really fantastic dragons. Ariel admired one in particular. I picked up one myself and told her to pick 2 as an addition to her birthday gift. I got the white snow dragon...

Having a driver was so nice. I didn't have to do much other than help Ariel get around unfamiliar territory. 

Monday was all about getting the car fixed [again], calling in medications, talking to the Palliative Care Nurse, talking to the LP company, and fixing the land line phone issue. 

Some days I miss my previous life where I was busy with work and other interests.
These past couple of weeks were wonderful. I had so many things to look forward to.



  1. What a great weekend, aside from the flat tire.
    I could spend hours and hours in a book store. Let me know how you like The Little Old Lady books. I have one in my amazon cart waiting for a decision (like I need more books). The dragons are adorable and I am glad you got them. I can't wait to see where the white one shows up!
    That sign. And when you think of the number of editors that looked at it and didn't see it. It kinda turns my stomach, LOL.
    Sorry you had to come back to reality. I hate phone days like that. Not fun to deal with. I also felt like work was an escape. And a paycheck made me feel validated.
    So sweet she wanted to cook a meal for grampa!

    1. Ariel was going to get the series. I don't have room for collections of books like that. I did get two slim poetry books from Mary Oliver though.
      I'll read the Old Lady books if I can find them in the library or Ariel lets me read them.
      Yep, reality sort of sucks. I can look forward to months of nothing much happening. Winter months are not visiting months.

  2. You have had a full couple of weeks. I've read the Little Old Lady books. They are entertaining. I think I told you I can't be in the same room where liver is cooking. I really do not like the smell! The sign is funny. Flat tire, not so much.

    1. I haven't eaten it since I was a kid. But I know the smell bothers some folks.
      It actually was good and I always thought that liver was not good for you. I get it that it is not for a lot of people. However, lots of nutrition for $5.
      I'll get it and make it hubby in about a month.

      Yeah. Tires. Yick.

  3. Back to reality...the flat tire sucks...what was in the tire...a nail? One time we picked up a wood screw. You had a fun day out shopping and she made her grandpa a favorite meal! Too bad she cannot visit more often.

    1. 4 weeks ago it was some long staples....
      this time it appeared to be a nail as in a nail that did not have a head on it? Or as the tire guy said...'Um, something hard! I dunno, it came out when I plugged it.'

      I'm tired of flats!

  4. It’s nice to be driven, but at the same time, I would like my daughter to slow down.

    1. My Granddaughter ... I think drives more cautiously than others in her family. I liked her driving a lot.

  5. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Sorry about that tire, but you and Ariel sure made the most of your time together. Glad you have been able to catch a couple of breaks! Lori


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