Thursday, October 03, 2024

Oh Deer or Gazelle?

Here it is. Autumn with cooler temperatures, and the colors changing are changing quickly. One day they are greenish and gold, the next day all gold. I'll do a recap of leaves later. Yesterday I had to have some fun distractions.

The shot above was one of my projects I did in August.  I took a Lego build of a Gazelle and modified it to look similar to a white tail deer. A Gazelle would look odd in the Wisconsin Forests. 

If you are in the Midwest at this time of year, you often see deer grazing on the side of the road just like this. At least I didn't have to dodge this guy since I was carrying him around.

It was fun to take this 'deer' out and imitate some of the bucks I often see. Here, he is supposed to be scenting a doe.

Here is supposed to be spooked and running!

Last month I won a little contest on a Lego Photography site and received this Mime! The Lego Ambassador sent me this Mime from Spain and said she hoped to see it in action.

Well here he is trying to make friends with his baguette. 

I love to think up little scenarios for using this character. I won it, so I better use it!

Below you can see how I set things up in the woods. The leaping shot and the Mime shot were taken in the very same spot with using different angles.
The little black blob is Charlie hunting for mice or voles while I have my fun.

He used to nose all of my toy shots over after I carefully set things up. Now he just walks around them and ignores them. They are not food. He is not interested.

This set was a 3 in 1 set.

The first build was a Giraffe.
Here is a shot of that:

I did manage to make the baby Gazelle into Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer. We'll see how that plays out later!

In the meantime. Enjoy fall weather.


  1. Fun stuff Val! Very deer like:)

  2. I thought to get some early fall pics today. Alas, the light was terrible. If you've seen my Flickr, you'll know that I have posted an oldie. I think I'll do a few more, and they will probably make it to Blogger as well.


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