Saturday, March 07, 2020

Sunny mild weekend!

The 'kids' have been really soaking up the sun lately. I was going to remove this paddock and make it into yard when I realized that this is THE most popular place on the farm in the winter.

The critters can find dry spots to sleep and soak up the sun. They can leave this paddock and wander through the open field or go into the woods, but this seems to be the 'hot' spot.
I've noticed that I need to get after everyone with a curry comb. Eeeks!

Today I am taking hubby in to see his mom. After that I think I need a wandering.

Yesterday was tough. The VA/non VA hospitalization from 2018 is still unresolved. I spoke with the VA Patient Advocate yesterday and she is as frustrated as I am. She was upset at how the new Community Care Call Center seems to have really messed things up. That is a whole different blog. I'm not sure why people who have no back round in billing and coding or understanding of how that all works ... work in a Call center for the VA? I'm sure it is contracted out.
The Patient Advocate and I may be filing a VA Congressional Complaint and calling the 'White House' hotline. Does it really have to come to that? The charges had been approved locally almost a year ago.

The next thing I find out is that our CrossFit done. Kaput. There will be no more CrossFit. Worst of all, there was NO warning. Just an email.

All of the members are outraged, upset, and feel as though they were left hanging by the Wellness Center. Everyone has pledged to follow our coach if and when he has a place to open a box. Comments are like this: If I have to work out in a hayfield in the rain, I would do so with Coach Josh.

Okay. Onto the weekend.
It should be free of stress.

I am getting the Unicorns out along with some other pocket critters and I'll pack them along on my Wander.

I need to gather materials to make a stable for those Unicorns!
No matter what, I will find a way to enjoy this mud, melt, and sunny weather!


  1. Ah so sad about Cross Fit as I know you enjoyed it, hopefully something can be arranged. We too Tai Chi for awhile and then that was cancelled too. Medical paper work sucks. No one does their job anymore. I understand there is a bill in congress about VA Caretakers....we will see where that goes:)

    1. The CrossFit folks are a family and we are banding together to work something out. I'll know more when I meet with some gals at 6am for a non CF sort of CF workout. No guided class but we can do our own workout.
      I too am curious about the VA Caregivers. I guess there is a whole boat load of paper work for that too if it ever comes to be.


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