Sunday, February 09, 2020

Dangerous Travel & Crafty Things

Travel not Advised was this morning's report at 6am.

I was good with that. I wasn't going anywhere.

These were 'the kids' this morning. I was taking it easy and didn't rush out at 7am and feed them. I waited and watched the snow come down. They were wearing nice snow coats.

Rich didn't feel well so the day was spent 'crafting'. You would be amazed at what a person can do with the cardboard from a toilet paper roll!

I used a top from a medicine bottle to make the bottom of the roll and the top of it more stable. I used a scrap of heavy weight paper to make a cone for the top. Scotch tape to add the little door and the piece of heavy paper above the 'door'. I imagined it to be a fungi...well, eventually.

Here is the 'stone' house I did last week. I set it on an ice pail cream lid. This summer I'll fill the lid with a bit of dirt and some moss. I poked holes in the plastic to let rain water out. I decided that this was not a fairy house, but a Squirrel's house.

I decided then to look up how to make tiny pots for tiny plants. How fun could this be???

Toothpaste cap. Script bottle cap, old twisters from the junk drawers...Scotch tape..paint...
and some straws.

Well, I had to do something while the toilet paper house was drying.

A bit of paint....
for the roll...

There are some finishing touches yet, but the top does fit on securely.

While that dried I returned to the mini plants I'd made.

This is the tiny plant I made out of used twisters and tape. The brown pot is the crest toothpaste top.
This next one is the mini plants I made out of straws.

And then after I finished with them...

I have to admit I really had my doubts this would work very well, but with the added touch of the tiny stones in the 'pots', I think it is cute!

Tomorrow, I'll put the new items together and see how it stacks up in a photo.

I'm enjoying this little Mini World!


  1. Anonymous7:31 PM

    I love the squirrel house. I was inspired to try and make toad houses - oops, no more yard. Yup it'll take some time to retrain my brain. I'm making lap robes for the residents of the nursing home my brother is in so I'm still keeping my fingers busy.

    1. Some of the items can come in during the winter and be little decorations to remind me of NOT snow times! :) A toad house! I have a toad. Perhaps that should be next.

  2. Cute! You are letting your imagination flow!

    1. Thanks, it was one of those days I wanted to get out and play in the storm but then .... this grabbed me and I had to stick around close anyway.


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