Thursday, July 11, 2019

The Possibilities are Endless

The other morning I wrote that while looking at a photo of little Charlie looking up the road from the mailboxes. The whole world lay at his feet and that is because Charlie knows no end to possibilities.

That got me thinking feeling a bit philosophical.
Some days the burden of being a CareGiver seems difficult.
It can be hectic and overwhelming.

Then I go to CrossFit and grimace at the workout of the day, or WOD. I see other folks who I've been working out with since last October and we greet each other and laugh.
Our coach encourages us each step of the way.

Yesterday I did the Back Squat. Ok. I was afraid of this particular lift because it involves weights and a bar. And it involves a movement that I've struggled to do forever.
Learning the proper way to lift is like learning a dance move.
[I've never been a good dancer]

I went through the motions with the rest of the group, pretty sure that I was going to have a hard time with the lift again. But I saw little Charlie in my mind and how he views his world. Never a negative thought. Always with possibilities.

So I tried lifting with just the bar.

Next I added weight, a bit at a time.

It felt right. I suddenly didn't feel awkward and strange like I had two left feet.

Suddenly my day looked brighter.
Then the next day I was able to do pullups on the bar with the black band. I did 3 in a row with a green and red band. Big deal? Yes.
Until then, I hadn't been able to do it that way.
Small victories in my strength.

And it isn't just about working out. It is socialization too. And for me that means a lot.

It seems that I am slowly finding my way after all that we've been through.
The possibilities are endless.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:37 PM

    :) YES!! This makes me smile and feel so encouraged. :)


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