Thursday, July 04, 2013

July 4th One mule Parade

Well that is supposed to occur in a few hours.

We are enjoying a few days without rain and since today is one of those, I am getting saddled up and going for my 'All One Mule 4th of July Parade' in Folsom Wisconsin.

I am the Parade Master of Ceremony along with...
Parade Leader, Organizer, and Participant.

In the past Badger has always done the honors.  
He is gone now and Opal will take his place this year.  I still need to work on some confidence building with Siera.

I guess I don't need to say that I will never find another mule quite like Badger.

But I can sure try.

Opal will be doing the honors.
She will wear Badger's flag blanket.  She will wear Cheyanne's silver heart breast color...[Cheyanne did two 4th of July parades many years ago].

Opal will wear ribbons and a necklace with brass bells.
I'm looking forward to this year.

I miss my sometimes riding partner for this, but hopefully we can do one again together.

Have a wonderful day and stay safe.



  1. Sounds like the perfect parade. If it doesn't storm, I am going to try to have a parade myself.

  2. Happy 4th July! Good luck with your parade, Opal will do you proud and Badger's spirit will walk with you both :-)


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