Monday, June 03, 2013

Add Sunshine, Dog, and Blue Skies

Sometimes you just have to get out under the clouds and blue skies...

I did that with the 'grands' on Saturday, what a rare day.  Sunshine!

We took young Dixie for a walk up the road.  We made a stop in our neighbor's hay field and I turned everyone loose.
I told them to go ahead and run.

 So you take two kids, one young hound dawg...and turn them all loose.

You get fresh air, sunshine, giggles and laughter.
You get kids with grass stained knees and rosey cheeks.
You get happy pups and happy children under blue perfect skies.

What more could you ask for?

Oh ... I suppose a trip to the creek to wade.

Thank you to Dixie, the marvelous young hound dog for being such a good sport.
Thanks to my grandkids for playing and enjoying the fresh air.

I hope to post later about the creek adventure.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like so much fun! Bet you had some exhausted kids and a sleepy hound pup - bliss :)


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