Tuesday, December 22, 2020

The Box

 I am not the originator of the Suck Box. However I enjoy the idea.

One of the first things to do is to find the proper box. What size will it be?

Select scraps of paper or cut some pieces for yourself of any ol' size and color.
Start to write items on it.
You might find that the tiny box works for you.

Or you can ask some friends to email their Suck Items and start to fill a larger box.

I prefer a large marker to write with. 
No family visits.

I'm thinking you can figure out the rest. When your box is all prepared ... Light 'er up and stand back.
I'm thinking to do this on New Year's Eve.


I could choose the box on the left. Chillable Red Wine. Yeah. 

The red wine box was left on a stump in my yard with some milk by my neighbor.

I think I am forever grateful to have good people on our tiny rural ridge.

Now to find some things to make sure that box really goes off!


And if you are all wondering. We had a wonderfully peaceful day. 


  1. Now that is one great idea!! Thanks to who ever thought of it! Glad to hear you had a good day:)

    1. Credit goes to my son and probably his college friends. If I am right they got together and launched a boat like floating suck box with fireworks and comments on Lake Michigan and it was quite the show many years ago. I just always loved the though of it.


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