Monday, December 23, 2024

Wild Weekend! Sort of!

We had 7 inches of snow on Thursday through Friday morning. It was up to Charlie's neck. That is how we measure snow around here.

Thankfully, around 9am on Friday, Frank showed up in his old beater pickup truck and plowed us out. I was in the middle of cleaning when he showed up and stuck my head out to thank him so much for his work. Yes, I pay him $50 for each time he plows, but IT is worth it for me not to fret about it or try to tackle that long hill on my own.

Just after Frank cleaned us out, I got a text saying that Dennis [18 yr old Grandson] was on his way to come and spend the weekend with us.

Saturday morning it was below frigid. It was 5 degrees below 0 F or -20C.  I waited until it was just above zero to do chores. Dennis wanted to take a hike through the woods. 

Charlie wanted to go but it was too cold for his paws so for most of the 2 mile hike through the forest, we took turns carrying him. Dennis actually dressed for the weather in his new Carhartt's. He has just landed a full time job doing finishing work in construction. It sounds like it is a good trade to learn and he'll always be busy. His finishing job is doing trim around doors, windows, and floor boards.

I may hire him to finish up what hubby couldn't do when he had his stroke.

We had a wonderful visit with his parents. Rich's daughter is an amazing cook and she prepared Prime Rib and all the fixin's to perfection at our house. We had an early supper and enjoyed each other's company.

They left, Dennis stayed as he wanted to go see the Ice Caves and give Grandma a ride in his new to him Truck.

Getting to the caves this time was a bit harder with the snow hiding all of the rough footing underneath. However, we got there. 

Infrared photo of the ice caves:

We bypassed going into the second set of 'caves' and headed instead to admire the ice along Weister Creek.

Hey! A shot of me with Charlie in front of one of the most beautiful places at the Reserve in the winter. Dennis took this for me.

The creek in IR:

Not IR

See that hillside behind me on the other side of the creek? There are a few 'sketchy' trails that go right above that ice and head further east of the creek. We went there to go see this...

There is a cable that runs across the bottom of the ice here. I've never figured out what it is for in the 10 years I've been visiting this spot. What was it for? Where did it go?

The water here is too deep to try and follow it out across the creek. It seems to end in the rock. 

Here is the same scene in IR unprocessed. Wild right?

With channel swapping which basically swaps the colors nearly opposite of what they are. There is more to it than that, but this is the simplest explanation.

I'm fond of the cool blue tinted ice. 

...and now?

Onto the next phase of this week. Some fun and some quiet.

Santa is inrtoduced to his relief driver!


  1. I bet it was fun to revisit the ice caves with your grandson. It was good to have a reason to go back. Winter is to be enjoyed not kvetched and complained about and you are living proof of that simple truth. Bravo!

    1. When I discovered cross country skiing and snowshoeing, I became an avid winter person. No bugs! Plus you can see through the forest!

  2. You had a fellow hiker!

    We were plowed out at 3:45 this morning. I know because I had just gotten up. They will soon be back for another pass to clear the pile at the bottom of the driveway that the town plows so graciously left for us.

    1. Oh I get that pile at the end of the driveway stuff. We don't have to deal with it much here. The township rarely leaves a huge pile for us to deal with.
      Yes, a fellow hiker nutty enough to brave a frigid day to look for deer and then go ice caving the next day which was so much warmer by 25 degrees!

  3. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Glad you had family visit for Christmas! 🎄 RHill, TX

  4. That is a very good photo of you and Charlie. Frame it! How fun it had to be having your grandson hiking with you to such special places. I am certain he is impressed by you.

  5. Sounds like a good day with Dennis, and you had someone cook for you too...those are great gifts! Happy Christmas Eve to you, Rich and Charlie!


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