Friday, December 27, 2024

Fog Magic

 The weather that just keeps on giving.

I feel like the past week has been full of beautiful surprises.  

A snowstorm, an ice storm, extreme cold, and now intense fog, which will be followed by rain. A lot of rain.

That means the dry runs will fill with water and run over the boulders into the valleys.

This guy/gal stopped by for an hour or so. I've been seeing Baldies this week. This one perched close to the house so I kept Charlie inside mostly because he is no bigger than a cat.

It looks like this Eagle had been doing some scavenging, his/her head feathers were pretty dirty.

The fog promised to hang around all day so I decided to go out and see the forest and perhaps I'd get lucky and see something interesting.

The fog was like a light mist. Enough to think about, but not enough to avoid. The water droplets on tree branches at the edge of the forest were beautiful.

I found these tiny fruits on a sapling scrub apple tree.

And then I stood still and listened. I heard birds, but couldn't really tell where they were. Once I spotted them I was so pleased. I didn't have my good zoom lens on so I walked a bit closer and stood still.

They were feasting on Honeysuckle berries. I used arrows for them because they are so hard to see. There were more of them, but I couldn't get them all in frame.

I did manage to get just a tiny bit closer without scaring them off. Finally, one little bird! And I don't know if anyone can see it, but he has a berry in his mouth.

I don't know what it is about fog that makes me smile. Maybe it is the hush it seems to bring over the forest or perhaps it is because no one likes to go out in it because it is dull and yucky looking.

I don't thing it truly is. Fog is one of Nature's Ways of creating Art. 

Maybe we just have to be able to see it to appreciate it.


  1. You are an inspiration to us all. Appreciate every aspect of nature and find the beauty in it. That’s an ethic that is begging for universal acceptance. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us.

    1. I am just a person who can't sit still and who loves taking walks every day in all kinds of weather [unless it is super hot and humid!].

  2. I don't always do it, but I clicked these large and really appreciated these, especially 3, 5 and 6.

    1. Awww, thanks! I do enjoy the different things I can see in the winter. The shapes of trees always fascinate me. Even better when I find birds or wildlife!

  3. I appreciate the beauty of fog, but not if I have to drive! Where you live makes it even better.

    1. I agree. Thankfully, I can stay off the road now. I recall driving home 30 miles in super dense fog on twisty roads. I actually rolled the window down and watched the center line below my driver's door. It was at 4am in the winter and thankfully no one else was on the road.
      I was coming home from a shift. I could have walked faster than I drove that night.

      Yes, I dislike and...won't drive in fog again if I don't have to!

  4. You have a magic forest!!!

    1. We do! I enjoy seeing anything I can find!

  5. It was foggy a few days here too, however your out in the country fog looks much better!

  6. Anonymous12:50 PM

    LD....I am working on getting caught up on commenting on your posts. I read them but don't go to comments right away. I will get there but for now I need a nap.


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