Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Fogged in again

Dense Fog December 30th.

I don't DO driving in dense fog or freezing fog now that I don't have to punch a time clock. One time I had to drive home from work in dense fog like this. It was over 10 years ago. I rolled down the window on my ancient car and drove at idle speed so I could watch the center line below me.

That was simply the most exhausting drive I'd ever done. I'd gotten off from a midnight shift and once I hit the ridge I couldn't see past my hood. Now I avoid bad weather and I am glad I can.

So instead of complaining about the weather and the fog, I went hiking again and again.

These were short hikes of only about 40 minutes or so to explore the forest floor and look at the mystical ... magical ... fog that everyone dislikes -- especially
when it happens
for days on end!

At about 9 am yesterday, it lightened up when I went to for one of those walks and I thought I'd be able to run some afternoon errands.

It was quite pretty with the freezing fog on the trees.

But by noon we were socked in again with weather alerts about not being able to see past 25 feet or 1/4 of a mile in areas. I figure with my depth perception being nil, it was another good day to stay off the roads.

By this time I was going stir crazy staying home safe and sound. There were quite a few accidents but nothing major.

I texted Olive to see if she wanted to go for a walk on our road out to the blacktop road and back. She jumped at the chance. Everyone in her house is still recovering from after Thanksgiving Colds and croupy coughs and all those fun colds that come from pre-school and daycare.

This way we could get in a visit and walk at the same time in the mild temps and fog and avoid trading germs. [We are extra cautious for hubby.]

Picture below...walking through the 'neighborhood'.

Well here it is. The last day of the 2024 year. 
Rory turned 1 year old on the 27th, we got to do a live time video with her and watch her play thanks to her wonderful parents.
We had only two visits to the ER for hubby and a pretty quiet year.

There are no plans to celebrate New Year's Eve. I did that when I was a youngster, now it is no more than just another day other than changing the calendar and remembering to end the date in 25 now.

From my Lego friends to you...

Happy New Year


  1. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Happy New Year! We have no plans for NYE either. Better to stay home than mix with the crazies, I think. 😁 RHill, TX

    1. Yes, hubby used to say we stay home and let the others deal with the crazies!

  2. I had great fun in my younger years on NYE but it's been decades now. Sitting at home with a fire is my good time now. And it is a good time. Our weather is the same as yours. Happy New Year, Val.

    1. Sitting by the fire or cuddled up with a blanket will suit me just fine!

  3. Happy New Year! I had a drive like that once in the snow. It was snowing so hard on my way home from work, the wipers were useless. I rolled the window down and drove about 2 miles an hour trying to stay between the lines. Luckily the semi's were doing the same. I will say that once I was driving on a highway between towns, at night of course, trying so hard to stay in my lane. I saw taillights of a vehicle on my right and panicked that I was either in the oncoming lane or the median. No. It was the snow plow who pulled over because visibility was so bad. I LOVE not having to leave my house in bad weather.
    We do have a big celebration planned. I am cleaning out my freezer to make room for my January steer and found one more bag of sauerkraut balls, a bag of shrimp and some breaded mushrooms. We also have 2 slice of left over pizza. I also have some sparkling grape juice. We will pretend the ball drops at supper time, lol. My party mood has not extended to washing my hair, though.

    1. Oh that is funny about your New Years Celebration. We will just have pizza and ice cream and fall asleep.
      Very exciting!

  4. Fog does make for lovely photo ops with all the hoar frost it creates. As a former snow plow operator, I am always glad that people don't drive in bad visibility. It can be very disorienting. Heavy snowfall is the same, no visibility and people can't see the center line. Lots of times plowing, I had to use the built up snow on each side of the road to gauge where the middle of the road was, and check my rear view mirror to see if I was correctly uncovering the center line. I loved that job, and winter driving doesn't scare me any more because of it. It's the other drivers that do scare me!

    1. I don't have depth perception like most people but have learned to perceive distance by how things move towards me, so heavy fog and snow toss all of that out the window.
      I admire you for being a plow driver, something I could not have done!

  5. Oh, well done once again. I probably like pics 1 and 4 the best. You are certainly in a location to get good photos. Have a good rest of the day, and Happy New Year!

    1. I am lucky to be where I am right now. In the future, that will change but I'll still look for interesting sights.
      I love that tree and have tried many times to get a shot just like the one I have here but I've failed so often! Happy with this one!
      Thank you.

  6. Happy New Year! Nice photos of the dense fog.

  7. There is fog and there is FOG. The former is okay, the latter to be avoided at all costs. Like you, now that I am retired I pick my days for driving, and stay off the roads when it is sensible to do so. A walk with a friend sounds terrific. I do it all the time! Best wishes for 2025.

  8. Anonymous9:08 AM

    The trees in the photos! Gorgeous. Smart move, not driving in the fog. Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year!

  9. That fog was something. I used to drive through it my first fall teaching, 1981. I was happy to change schools, closer to home.
    You be safe out there. I hope 2025 is good to you!

  10. Anonymous12:41 PM

    LD...It was amazing that you got some clear time to get the good frost shots. We have had so much fog that it is amazing to see sunshine ever. It did shine today for about a half an hour. Love the lego colors of your people.


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