Wednesday, November 30, 2022

November is ending

 I didn't take many photos in November. 

Well, not many Landscape - Forest scenery. 

I think it is because this is my adjustment period from fall to winter. 

I enjoyed  watching the barberry plants in the woods change. These plants make great plantings in a suburban area but when they invade the woods, they make for prickly walking.

They are fun to photograph in the fall and winter. But I they don't provide wildlife with a meal. Well, I take that back. The birds eat these and spread it in their poo creating a thick undergrowth of plants that change the pH in the soil. These thickets are a wonderful Wood Tick Habitat. 

So, I have a love/hate relationship with them. I fight them on my land but it feels like a losing battle as my neighbor's 500+ acres of forest is infested with them.

Never the less. They are beauties to photograph.

There are morning frosts that are sometimes just so stunning and other times you just have to find the small things close to the ground to look at.

Some days a person get brilliant fleeting moments of color in a sunrise or sunset.  Sometimes those times are so incredibly beautiful in a very pastel way.

Yesterday we had dense fog and poor visibility. I still had to get to town but I took the scenic route and stopped at my favorite bridge on a back road.

By the time I was done in town, the fog was so dense it was hard to see. This is another reason I am grateful I am not doing the 60 mile round trip to work at odd hours anymore.

However, in a way, I thought the fog was beautiful. 

Today, I hope to get out and explore what froze in the creek last night as the temperatures went from 40 degrees to 21. And IT is snowing! :)

Time to think about some fun things. Like. ...

Experimenting with the Christmas Chair. The Jury is still out on this as I am going for less 'stuff' this year. But I did bring it out and set the jointed bear I made sooooo many years ago on it. As with most of my Christmas Stuff, it will constantly change.


  1. Stunning photos, Val. I am not sure if I'll decorate. The spirit will need to move me. I'll enjoy yours!

    1. I get it. For me it is the opportunity to move things around and experiment with my little space.

  2. You really do see the hidden beauty.

  3. You found a lot of beauty in November. Have fun being creative & changing up your decor!

  4. Lovely frost pictures. I have a minimalist approach to Christmas decorating. A few things on the mantel, mainly.

  5. I like the little creek. They fascinate me as I played in them as a kid on the farm. I stopped taking photos when I become a shut in. I find myself taking strange or unusual shots of all of my junk. I don't like the cold.

  6. You found some pretty things in your woods. We had blowing snow yesterday, I am taking the camera to town with me today...saw an old truck on the side of the road with a tree in it...who knows what else i will find:)


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