Monday, September 05, 2016

Labor Day Blues

Normally I don't bother getting excited over holidays or days such as Memorial Day, 4th of July, or other ones. However Labor Day weekend has come and that means that the visiting of Grand kids is pretty much over.

For a long while.
And that makes me sad.

No more surprising photos of me taken by a grand child with a camera.

No more PJ Sunrise adventures for quite a while.

That black blob in the lower right of the photo is me.
Below is Ariel sporting her PJ's and my sweatshirt.

Or having a riding partner...

So I guess this will be my first Labor Day in a long time where I will look at the end of the visits from the grand children.

I will sport a sad face when the kids leave. I'm pretty sure that I won't see them for quite a while again. That is unless I go to see them at their 'city homes'.

Everyone seemed to love their stays at the farm this year.

I hope to have all the grands together again for Grandpa & Grandma Camp next year.

We should have the house finished and plenty of room for all 5 grands at once.
That could be a fun week of madness as they will range in the ages of 2 to 13.

Why not, you only get to be a grand parent once in your life.

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