Saturday, January 04, 2014

Mices and Rabbit Pellets Are Good! By Morris

SHE sometimes gets her long johns in a bundle when I dig and look for mices to chew up or rabbit pellets to eat.

We went out on, that is what SHE calls it.
I call it 'day'.  
In a dog's life there is day and night.  There is sleep and play.
There is eat and potty.

But when there is hike you can eat, play, and potty all at the same time.
So dog owners listen up.
Take your dogs hiking.

Especially if you like to hear your owner screech 'Icky Icky!'  
'No NO, don't eat deer/rabbit poop!'

Owners have no sense of delicious taste.  Pretty obvious by the fact that they never stick their faces in the snow and grab a mouse nest and chew on them.

SHE says NO NO Morris, don't eat that.
SHE has been saying this for all my doggy life.
And I have been ignoring her for all of that time.  I actually delight in horrifying her.


I don't think I horrify her anymore.  I mean I doubt I even shock her anymore.  
Some days it is very hard to get HER really grossed out.

SHE is a pretty faithful person.  SHE will follow me when I find a good deer trail.  And I am a good dog too, because I will come right to her when she calls my name.

And then when my feet get cold and I start shivering, SHE is kind enough to sit in the snow and let me climb up on her legs.
Sometimes SHE half stuffs me in her coveralls to warm me up.

And SHE is always pointing that camera at me.  I know.
I am handsome as a model.

I can strike the best poses.

But when all is said and done.

Mices are fun to chew on, rabbit pellets are tasty, but there is NO place like a nice couch and a comfy place to rest.


  1. You've obviously got her well trained Morris. Well Done.

    I've been thinking of you with this cold, -60!!! Yikes. I hope you all manage OK, please do be careful. Maybe you ought to just take the day off from work. I'd say "stay warm", but that doesn't seem possible so, stay safe!

  2. Morris, you're adorable.

  3. Oh Morris you really are a very handsome model! Milo agrees with your choice of snacks, he couldn't understand why the humans were not impressed by him presentation of a drowned mouse in the middle of his bed this morning, most unappreciative they were!

    Stay safe and warm :-)

  4. Wish I was small!! I could use some warming up.I am tall and skinny nothing fits me so mom layers me up and I am still cold.pfft!


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