March is a month of contrasts.
Last night it began with high winds and sleet which turned into a heavy down pour of rain that was sustained for hours.
By 8am the rain lightened up enough for me to get off shift and head towards home.
I could see the water ponding on top of ice in the ditches, in other places it was running so hard that it had created areas of foam.
This is what the forecasters had feared for our area. Over night the Mississippi River had risen a foot, with this heavy rain combined with snowmelt and runoff, many low laying areas became instantly under 'flood watch' by the NOAA.
No~my place is not in any danger at all. The creek will run hard and wash away this winter's debris ... Mother Nature's way of cleaning house for Spring.
At 11AM a thunderstorm moved through our area with heavy lightening and thunder. The first of the year.
The wind and rain have quieted this evening and dense fog is arising from the snowpack that is left.
In two days we are supposed to have snow and sleet.
However, we did have some rather pleasant days so far and this is the 'mud season' around our farm.
The skies have been prettier and the moon 'fuller'.
I watched with joy as the Robins began to pull earthworms out of the ground. I saw a bluebird, a redwing black bird, and the surrounding woods were full of birdsong while I did chores this evening.
Welcome Spring!
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