Tuesday, May 28, 2024

I'm doing it again.

3 years ago to celebrate turning 65, I did this awesome long hike. I took Charlie with me and it was a hot hot day.

I ended up carrying him for half of the hike. That would make it about 4 miles, give or take. Charlie is 6 now and very sensitive to hot days, so this year I am not including him. I just want to walk or hike at a leisurely pace.

Map of that hike at Kickapoo Valley Reserve.

I mentioned that I was going to do this hike again while at CrossFit the other day. The nurse who was hanging on the rig next to me said: "Count me IN! I want details!" I informed her that I intended to do a Joy Hike. 
Not running, not for time, but for the simple joy of being alive.

Yes, the map shows the hike to be about 9 miles, give or take the accuracy of the MapMyHike program I used.

But if you are not in a hurry and are just out for the enjoyments of it--really, it is doable if you are mobile.

So I posted the plan on our private group of gym folks. 

No hurry. Things needed:

Water. Lots of water.
Good shoes.
Bug Spray.
Happy Attitude.

A refresher for those who may not have followed me 3 years ago. The Hike.

I love hiking almost more than anything else. The equipment needed:
feet, backpack of stuff, and a good attitude. 

[Maps and compasses do help]

I know not everyone can do this, but I've had folks ask me a few times to take them along hiking. Most of the trips I've done with other brave souls are 2, 3, and 4 mile hikes. 9 may seem like a lot, but it isn't if you take it at your own pace.

We'll see if I go solo or with some friends.

Recently I offered to go walking with a friend of mine. We've known each other for years. She said that she wasn't up to my speed. I answered "But I can match your speed!" Sometimes the hike is not about how hard it is or long. It is about walking and friendship in nature.

You keep me safe, I'll keep you wild.

Move the body, still the mind.


  1. This is wonderful!
    I cannot do that, and I was born the same year as you were.
    Good luck! How joyful!

    1. I'm pretty luck in that I have been able to continue to hike all along for years.

  2. I wish you the best on your joy hike! I hope you do have a partner and I am sorry Charlie can't join you. Such a wonderful opportunity to do something you love.

    1. Well, Charlie is such a comfort to my husband and when it is warm and muggy, he doesn't do so well on the trail. But thanks!

  3. Anonymous7:50 PM

    You are in great shape! When I was walking (before my knee replacement) I was good at distance, but not speed. It put me in pretty good shape. After the knee replacement I switched to riding a trike and need to get back into my long rides. Out of shape now and not as energetic since I got a pacemaker. Old age....... blah blah blah..... Lori

    1. Thank you. I think I have been blessed with good knees and legs? Hopefully you can get back to doing some of the things you like to do such as walking or bike riding.

  4. You are proof of the adage "use it or lose it".You use it and have not lost it! I hope you have a partner.

    1. It all depends on others' schedules. Hopefully someone will want to go with, if not. I'm okay going on my own.

  5. I am a slow walker, sometimes even slower that my husband:)

    1. Slow is okay! I don't always walk fast. When I am out looking for spring flowers or fungi ... I walk very slow!


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