Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Deer oh Deer

The weather has been so Hot--> Humid---> and miserable that I've had to put off all that riding on my pretty little mules that I had planned.

I put off my hiking at KVR too.  I've decided to just go with my favorite trails and explore the off trails the rest of this year. I've done all the trails and know which ones are my favorite spots to visit with cool things to find.

So, I have been walking the gravel road just an hour before sunset and enjoying some different scenery.

Last night I was rewarded with some deer play. Two young bucks were playing in the alfalfa and oats. I was slightly below them on an incline so they didn't see me for quite a while. 

The video is 30 seconds long.

Eventually they noticed me. 


they took off. 

On my way home I noticed what I think it High Bush Cranberry. Not sure, so I didn't taste it. But I did grab some wild grapes and chew on them while walking home.

Looking up the driveway after I got back, I saw someone else is enjoying the new road.

Time to get my butt moving in the mornings again as we are getting some nice views on the ridge for sunrises.

August through October usually has some stunning skies and fog.


  1. Awesome video! I enjoyed watching it. There is something about observing nature that puts things in perspective.

  2. I really like being out in the evenings too. Our new wildlife creature is a fox. I haven't blogged about it as I am too busy with butterflies and flowers. I like deer but I don't have to deal with them eating my yard.

  3. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Great video and the background bug sounds were awesome.

  4. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Love the video. I am so looking forward to cooler weather....summer is not my favorite season anymore. Our skies are getting more beautiful before sunset....I need to get in my car and start chasing them. Your pictures are gorgeous as always. Lori

  5. Neat video, especially silhouetted.
    How's the new road? Are you happy with it?

    1. We love it! I am hoping it is still awesome in the winter and spring!

  6. Cool Video of the boys getting in some antler action. Yes those are Highbush Cranberries and they are not quite ripe yet. One good clue is the stem is reddish and the berries hang down and of course the foliage... three lobed leaves with well defined veins and the leaves are opposite on the stem.

  7. I enjoyed the video. We have a cool, windy day today but the heat is coming back tomorrow.


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