Thursday, August 31, 2023

Blue Moon & Hike

So, a Super Blue Moon won't happen again until 2037 so I thought I'd best get out there and try 'shooting' the Moon last night.

It wasn't blue at all, but orange and rippled on the horizon from the atmospheric distortion. To the left is a farm's silo that is on the other side of the Kickapoo River and on the ridge about a mile away. I was surprised that I could actually see it as the moon rose. 

On that ridge there are 4 cell towers which annoys the heck out of me because the blinking light and towers ruin most sunrise photos. Any...way...

Below I tried shooting the moon through a distant tree. It sort of worked, but it was a fun effort.

I headed towards home but found one last spot where I could get a clear shot of it before heading back down into our hollow.

Two Super Moons in one month is a rarity. I missed the first one of this month, but am satisfied that I caught the last one!

At home these guys were looking for the moon too! Apparently, even NED-B grabbed a Lego camera.

At least none of them have cell phones! 

Yesterday morning was a cool enough day that Charlie and I did one of the longer KVR trails. It has been a few weeks since we took a new trail on.

This one is an out an back Lollipop loop which ended up being 4.95 miles.  To his credit, short legged Charlie just chugged along like nobody's business. Here we stopped for a drink of water. Charlie likes to drink out of a peanut butter jar lid.

This little dog is a rock star, he goes and goes when the temperatures are nice out.

We stopped and had a break at Hanson's Rock Outlook and just sat for a little while on a log.

There is another outlook that one can walk out to, but over the years, trees have fallen across the outcrop's end. This looks south east and would be a cool place to watch the sunrise if one wanted to walk 2.5 miles in the dark.

All in all, it was a fine day. We heard someone at one point in time in one of the valleys but we never saw another person.

The woods are eerily quiet this time of year as most of the songbirds have migrated. We heard a few bluejays and woodpeckers, but most of the song of the woods were the crickets.

The forest and grasslands will be terribly dry once fall hits if we don't get rain.


  1. Your moon shots are wonderful. I live in the city so I can't get a horizon shot with color. I took pictures two nights in a row as I don't know if I will be around for 2037. Charlie is the best.

  2. Wow - the moon shots are great! It was overcast, cloudy here and we didn't see a thing. I was disappointed to find out that a blue moon isn't really blue, LOL.

    1. The saying is that when there are two full moons in one month it is Once in a Blue Moon, therefore the name! ;)

  3. You got some great moon shots! I enjoyed seeing them! Charlie is so cute what a trooper!

  4. Glad you got the moon shots- here it was covered by thin cloud so I didn't bother.


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