Friday, April 28, 2023

The 9 - 10 Trail Deep Dive.


Okay, there was no diving at all. Just some more in depth exploring at one of the spots that interested me last year when Bill and I hiked this short trail.

I wanted to go and see if the field of Bluebells was blooming yet. I found them last year.


They were up and there were hundreds of them in several patches, but the blossoms were still closed tightly. Last year they were in full bloom by May 14th. [I checked when I got home.]

I was slightly disappointed, but took the opportunity to follow a faint trail along the river. 

I wanted to see some places I didn't have time to explore last year. The beauty of doing the trail challenge is to see all the trails and then go back and admire the parts you like best.
Since the flowers weren't showing off, I decided to enjoy the river and its bluffs in that area.

I like this bluff, it is typical of the bluffs along the river but this one is easily assessable by a deer trail in the spring and fall. One has to dodge the spikes of prickly ash, but it isn't a hard hike.

I had to take photos of it in color and in Infrared B&W because it is so stunning.
The IR B&W reads anything green or with chlorophyll as white. The rocks and water remain dark as they are not reflecting the IR spectrum back to the camera.

I made my way to the top of the bluff and enjoyed the view.

I decided to follow another steep trail off the bluff and head down into the lowlands. If I skirted the marshy area, I could stay close to the bluff and stay dry.

Below the bluff on the other side:
Video 12 seconds ~

The marshy area behind me:
25 seconds with peepers!
If you hear a tiny bell, that is Charlie who wears a cat bell with his tags.

The marshy area was chock full of Bluebell plants and Skunk Cabbage sprouting up everywhere. In the distance the geese were raising their voices. 

The other side of the bluff in color and then in IR:

Charlie and I spent most of our time exploring this spot. 

We then headed back up on the trail and finished it off.

On our way back to the parking area, we stopped and skirted another low land marshy area.

Back at Landing 10, we stopped and sat on the canoe ramp for a bit relishing the river noises.

Along the Kickapoo in IR 665nm.

that was
the end of our little/big adventure.


  1. You live in a magical place. I can see why you love hiking when you have this around you.

  2. Fun to hear your spring peepers! I hope you get to go back when the Bluebells are all in bloom!

  3. Your Spring wildflower photos are so pretty. Fun hearing the frogs. I miss not having a pond. Very cool bluff area!


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