Tuesday, March 14, 2023


It has been snowy but beautiful. Of course we think this weather should be December weather, but the sun is strong and the days are longer
so March will continue doing its thing and mud will soon be the main theme of March again.

This is the view out my front door. Those are the hills to our west. 

Mules snuggled together and waiting for the sun to come over the hills and trees to the east. They all just finished having snow baths and are nodding off.

They aren't cold, though one might freak out looking at them.

This is Siera, falling asleep about 30 feet from our front door.

After chores I decided to go check the woods out. Charlie and I went snow trudging. It was too wet and heavy for snowshoes and in some places, it was too deep for Charlie to plow through.

He waited for me to walk ahead of him and then used my tracks to keep moving.

We always walk to this spot. Over the years it is the one place that I continue to photograph over and over to mark the changes that happen in the creek.


The trees that had fallen across the creek were solid. In the shot above, they are rotting and falling into the creek which is dryer than in years past. More trees have fallen over the past 5 years. The path that the creek follows changes ever so slightly with little flash floods.


Morris and I stop to sit and pose under those trees back when we could still duck under them. Now we have to step over them.

I really enjoy seeing how things change over time. It seems static, but I know it isn't. Time for a new updated shot of me in that same spot!



I nick named that busted tree above the creek 'The Dragon Tree'. I can see the difference in the amount of water that flows through the stream in this winter from past winters.

I think I need to go back and make a note of a few different spots. 

I'm so lucky to have lived here long enough to be an observer.


  1. I love the series from different years.

  2. We are bouncing from very cold nights to warm melting days. The weather has bipolar issues!
    Neat series on the trees. I never stayed in one place long enough to see changes; up to 15 years ago we moved about every 3 years max from my childhood on.

  3. Fun to see how your creek changes from year to year:)

  4. Sweet mules! It is nice having them so close by. I love noting natures seasonal changes!!

  5. You have such a great place of nature to watch year after year. I need to get out of town some of these days and see the North Shore.


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