Friday, February 10, 2023

Second Eye

So I was pretty sure I'd feel like this:

But I didn't. The second procedure went very smooth with a nice low blood pressure to start things out. This time I listened as the doctor talked during surgery and he was actually explaining what he was doing for me. I assume he did it first time, but I couldn't pay attention. 

It was easy peasy and I was tired all day and went to bed at 8PM and slept until 5AM! I woke up without any itchy scratchy eye and when daylight rolls around, I'll discover what I can see with my weaker eye. 
Mother Nature also cooperated by sending the nasty weather to the south of us and we had no rain or snow. 

I actually stayed Off Line all day Thursday other than to send a thumbs up to a couple of friends. 

I'm looking forward to what the day brings.


  1. I'm glad it went smoothly, and let's hope for terrific vision from now on.

    1. Well I am enjoying this immensely.

  2. Hurrah! The clarity is probably amazing.

    1. After the sun came up I was so happy to be able to see an increase in vision out of the weaker eye! Details are amazing.
      It really took me out of winter winter blahs!

  3. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Sounds good! You must be so happy to have this over with. Lori

    1. I am! It is awesome to see sights and textures!

  4. Good to have both surgeries in the rear view mirror. Enjoy all the visual eye candy!!

  5. It is so wonderful that things worked out so well. Seeing will make your life so happy, greaater than you ever ccould imagine.

  6. So happy that things went smoothly! What a relief.

  7. So happy it is all done!


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