Thursday, March 20, 2025

Surprise surprise SURPRISE!

Sometimes I get surprised out of the blue. I went to the mailbox to collect my mail. I'd had a notification that a package was delivered. I just figured it was some of hubby's meds from the VA. I was curious, there was a box on our mailbox.

I should have taken a shot of the box and the multiple layers of brown paper bags. I'd shaken it when I picked it up. Oddly enough, it did not feel like a bomb but sounded like Legos. I glanced at the return address and didn't recognize it. My brain was on another Earth. I grabbed it and headed to town to pick up my groceries.

When I got home, I handed the package to Rich and he shook it too. "What in the heck is it?"

I tossed groceries into the freezer and put other things away. 

"It's Legos."


"Legos! I know the sounds they make. I've ordered enough sets to know what they sound like."

[No argument there.]

I had to find my box cutter and used that along with scissors just to peel the tape and paper back. I saved the return address so I could remember to thank whoever sent the package.

Inside where little blue boxes tied up with strings and a little heart. Each heart had a date on it and the note said:

Sometimes I don't know what to make of people's kindness and thoughtfulness. In a million years I wouldn't have thought to do something like this.

Each box had a surprise 'blind' box minifigure in it with a note.

"we do not need magic
to transform our world.
 We carry all of the 
power we need inside
of ourselves already.
~~J.K. Rowling

This morning I opened the last box as soon as I got up.

I've got a few new minifigures which I will set up later today and photograph after I take care of some of the heavy wet snow we accumulated yesterday. We got quite a bit more than was predicted so that is going to take up most of my morning along with chores.

However, I have to say how fun and wonderful it is to be so lifted up and surprised by a box in the mail.

Thank you Aurora!

You are so kind, creative, and thoughtful. The minifigs are impatiently waiting next to their boxes for me to come over and play with them!

Happy Spring Day!


  1. That's a wonderful surprise! And you certainly deserve it. Enjoy!

  2. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Do. you know Aurora? Such a sweet and thoughtful gift! They will be starring in your photos soon. Lori

    1. Yes, we generally get together each year to hike and celebrate either spring or fall.

  3. You have a good and thoughtful friend. She went beyond by taking the time to separate and write notes for each box. Very sweet.

  4. That was really sweet of Aurora! I am sure you will have fun with the Legos and think of her when you set them uip.

  5. Aww . . . at a time when you can use a lift.

  6. How sweet was that!! Aurora is very thoughtful! Oh my you got snow:(

  7. That’s about as good as it gets!

  8. That is such a sweet gift. Perfect, thoughtful, inspired.

  9. My hope was/is that you find my efforts uplifting in the hard(er) days :) Sorry that the Post Office and Mother Nature were not on board with my Count Down to Spring. Apparently they didn't get my memo.

  10. What a thoughtful gift! How wonderful. Thank you Aurora for brightening their day. A great surprise!

  11. What a wonderful surprise! And more minifig inspiration for your action photos!

  12. Anonymous5:13 PM

    LD....The lego gifts were so wonderful to get. You used great restraint to not open them at once. the horse and mules photo is marvelous.


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