Saturday, March 22, 2025

Birds and Stuff

Meanwhile during the snowstorm. 
We spotted a bluebird!

The bird never turned around for me and I had to get this hind end shot.

I couldn't help myself.  I had to go out and mess around looking for some fun in the bright white snow.

I thought the guy who plows would have showed up, but he didn't. The snow was supposed to melt quickly. Under the white snow, we had dirty slush from the dust in TX I think. This is the second time we've had dust and dirt in our snow/rain.

I decided the driveway might be too iffy for the visiting Home Health person to go up and down, so we cancelled that for this week.  My 'Ru could handle the hill and the snow, but maybe not the cars they have for Hospice workers. Though, I did notice that three of them drive Subaru CrossTreks. 

While I let Charlie wander the yard looking for mice or voles, I thought it would be fun to 'shoot' this Pegasus on a snow covered stump in the yard. White on white.

The hood of the Subaru provided a nice ski slope for my minifigs. They enjoyed using it over and over again!
I wish I had their energy.

While my minifigs were playing, I heard a 'goose' like sound in the sky east of me. I looked up and saw swans! I've missed many opportunities this year to go watch the Eagles on the Mississippi or hunt for Sandhill Cranes and Swans at the KVR.
So, I was quite tickled to watch these guys fly overhead.

With nothing on my schedule, I waited for hubby's afternoon nap to take a walk.  Charlie is being such a good boy, but he does need some hiking time too to keep up his musculature and health.

We went east through my favorite woods and ended up in a round about way in the valley and then followed the creek back up to our land and up different trails to get back to the house.


So the day before the storm we had this going on in our yard! I never really saw until I shot this series ... that Robins actually get airborne to dive into the ground! Like a fox catching a mouse under the snow!

Such a common bird, but still so great to see them appear to let us know spring is near...

The snow melted quickly and when I went out to check the meadow and the fence, I came across dozens of Cedar Waxwings.

The photo isn't great, but I didn't have a long lens ... but there you go. Birds are moving about and it is so pleasing to hear all of their songs again.


I still have to get to the rest of the fun photos I am doing for the new minifigs that arrived from Aurora!

Here is a taste...


  1. I notice suddenly there's birdsong in the morning, very cheering.

  2. I don't think that was the bluebird of happiness in the first photo.

    1. I would think his/her face would have been a grumpy face!

  3. The snow missed us but we may have some tomorrow. Your minifies are busy little guys. Pegasus enjoys the snow! I've seen swans in the ponds and lakes around here lately.

    1. Lucky you! I may get out at the end of the month to go look for some birds!
      But I am happy to see them fly over and to see them land in the yard.

  4. Ah the birds of spring! Poor little bluebird doesn't look very happy in that falling snow.
    I love robins, their morning song is so beautiful and such a great way to start the day. And swans already!

  5. Bluebirds and Robins too!! I am so jealous! Your snow looks real pretty!

    1. I think the blue bird must have been a scout. I'm sure he said...DON'T come yet! But the snow is mostly gone now.

  6. Wow!! Look at all the Spring bird activity you captured! I've watched many robins in my life time and I've never seen one dive for food. You guys got more snow than we did. I wonder if those were Snow Geese flying overhead? Such brilliant white against a clear blue sky. Cedar Waxwings remind me of Batman/Robin *^*

    1. I looked up snow geese, don't they have black edges on their wings? When I 'blew' this up I can see the black beak and the long necks.
      I don't know enough about birds to really make a good call if it is questionable. :)

      The Robin was shot at 15 frames per second so I caught something very unexpected.

    2. Anonymous7:31 AM

      Not sure. I was just wondering out loud :)) Long necks are more like swans. You took a beautiful swan photo!

    3. Hey, Im not 💯 sure either! 😵‍💫

  7. Isn't it wonderful, the return of the critters?!
    We have rain today. Your figures look great in the snow!
    We had one robin over winter one year! It was quite something.

  8. Swans in flight! How beautiful to see!

  9. Stunning swans flying! Linda in Kansas

  10. We just had slushy snow that fell on us as we walked outside. Luckily it didn't stick to the ground. I am hoping that the low temperatures in our forecast don't mean more snow next week. I don't even want to look at the weather.

  11. Anonymous5:10 PM

    LS...The birds flying over is a beautiful sight. As our city enlarges I see less migratory birds flying over. You have a fun creative thing going on and it is fun to see.


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