Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Fascinating Day


It was a regular morning. I had to rush around and get things done to get into town by 8:30 to check in for my Stress Test appointment.

I knew Eric who took me to the room along with Maddie to get me ready. You know, after a certain age and a certain amount of medical procedures, your modesty gets left somewhere else. Eric is a Cardo/Pulmonary person that works in the Heart Center. He helped hubby do his PT a couple of years ago.

Anyway, the putting on of all the leads and stickers on my 'ahem' bare chest went quickly with me joking about modesty of course. A base reading of my heart and BP was taken and then it was time to wait for the echocardiogram lady. The wait was long and Eric apologized a few times. I said I was happy just to sit and wait with no distractions. And that is what I did for a while. I didn't mind the wait at all.

I took my time as a 'time out' from other matters. I listened to the bells across the street at the big stone church ring. I daydreamed. I had a nice time out.

The echo lady came in and apologized for the wait. I shrugged. She said she had to take her time with her previous patient and it took longer than expected. I reminded her that I should thank her because she was doing a very important job. I was content to wait. Without her expertise, how would we get a good look at how my heart worked?

I think she was a bit stunned by my comment. You know, people can be rude when they have to wait. I really did appreciate the work this team was doing. I just wanted to get the go ahead for putting on my hiking shoes!

The bad part of the day was that hubby woke up with my upper respiratory infection showing its ugly face. But since he was going to sleep after having his breakfast, I wasn't too worried. I made an appointment for him in the afternoon to see someone in the clinic. With end stage COPD, you don't mess around with respiratory infections.

The stress test was pretty neat and yep, I got out of breath finally and asked to stop. My chest cold was still giving me grief. No one said a word about 'how' I did, but they are the techs, they can see things but they can't say things.

Off to home I went.

I told hubby I needed to get him something to eat and then we were heading to the clinic to have him looked at. I was met with a fierce NO. HE was not going anywhere, he didn't feel good. I couldn't help but then say, "Well, when you start having real trouble breathing, I'll just call the ambulance and you can ride with them." 

I got a dirty look. I don't care. However, I did bring him his meds, water, and his nebulizer in the bedroom. I even made him lunch and then jello for later on. I know what that cold did to me and I am in pretty good shape.

I told hubby to mark this date on the calendar. "Oh that's right. You are being nice!"

I quipped over my shoulder. "I can't have too many Nice Days in one year. I think maybe 6 times a year?"

Chuckle and cough - cough - hack - cough.

I did quiet things. Folding laundry and piling it in the basket to put away. Then I got out a Lego figure and decided to try to have some fun with the Mime. I couldn't think of what to do so I lined up coffee cups plopped the Mime down, and dribbled coffee grounds around and on him.

Charlie and I sat on the porch and watched the mules sleep in the warm sun. Then I heard Robins. I don't recall if I've heard them this early in the winter before. Perhaps I have. 

I watched the water coming off the hillside and running down through the pasture in a tiny stream. I did some mental calculations. The snow melt on the ridge must be finding its way down the dry runs to the creek.

I walked towards the edge of the fence and listened. I could hear water just faintly running. That meant it was headed for our valley.

I made sure my patient had his meds and Nebulizer on time, then tucked him in and made a mad dash for the valley. 

I simply have NOT missed a snow melt in years. It usually happens a few times, so yes, I have had to work during one or two, but usually caught the second day of the melt run off.

I discovered it by accident in our valley. I mean I knew it happens, but I didn't know how to watch for it and listen for it.

Here is a short video I did with Morris a few years ago. Generally the big melts coming through the snow is more impressive, but I could literally hear this water coming down from 1/8th of a mile away!

2014 March 30th mini flash flood over rocks from the dry run into the creek bed with my Jack Russell Morris. 1:55 seconds long.
It is a bit unsteady at first because I was climbing the boulders trying to see the first bits of water appear.

This morning, I can hear the water running in my neighbor's 'ditch' just down at the end of our winter pasture. I can't wait to go see the water, debris and mud. 

I know. I am a strange one. But yesterday, I had some amazing relaxation time watching the water flow.


  1. I hope you get good results from your stress test. Your snow melt video is fabulous!

    1. Well, no one has called me yet, but I sure hope so! Thanks!

  2. I find watching water so calming. In 2019 we drove to Maine (a two day all day driving trip) and sat on the beach and watched the ocean. It was maybe 60 degrees in June and we were the only ones at the beach. And we sat for hours. I still go back to those days.
    Good luck with the tests, hope the guy kicks the cold quickly although we know a dr appt might help with that.

    1. When I went with Dad to Hawaii for his last visit, we spent most days at a favorite spot of his. He watched the ocean and napped on the picnic table bench. The sounds of the ocean calmed him...and me also.
      I buried his ashes there at his 'bench' 4 years later.

  3. That was a surprise to suddenly see water! I hope Rich doesn't end up regretting his decision, although I do get it. Not wanting to go out when he feels ill. Hoping you get the okay to resume hiking.

    1. I was trying to get ahead of it and hopefully avoid a hospital visit. He was told by his PCP to come in if he ever gets any cold. Period.
      But it is his call.

  4. I am sure that it is difficult for both people when one has a chronic condition.

    You remind me that our river will turn into a raging torrent in a few weeks. It should really rage this year after the heavy snow accumulation.

    1. It is very hard for me because I am super active. But he encourages my activities, except when he is ill. It is hard to be in charge of everything for him.

      The river ought to have some awesome rages for photograph? I'd be hanging out at the river all day! Silly me!

  5. Fun to see the rush of the water! I hope Rich is feeling better. I have told my husband the same thing...lets go now or the ambulance later. It always makes him angry because he knows I am right. Hope the test results are ok so you can hike:)

    1. Yes, I agree! But no one likes to go to the doctor and I'm sure he thinks he can beat it. But you and I understand that a cold is life threatening to our guys, not just a cold.

      I went 'hiking' anyway. Can't miss the snow melt! Just to the creek and playing in the water....I can't help it.

  6. Modesty is a misplaced virtue anyway.


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