Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Enough now ...and good people


I think I am tired of not feeling well. I'm SO over it. 

It probably isn't a good idea to survive on jello and crackers either. But if I was trying to lose weight, I suppose it may work.

I've been either in bed or on the couch reading. How is it that just sipping a cuppa coffee makes me grimace and set it down? 

On Sunday my son asked if I tested for Covid. I said no because I just figured it was a simple sore throat and a fever that broke in 24 hours. But the headaches, nausea, and fatigue has been a bit overwhelming. Hubby hasn't shown any signs of getting whatever I have which is a huge relief.

Yesterday I had our yearly hay delivery. Generally Rich unloads and puts the hay away. We discovered one more disturbing thing. He can't get in and out of the skid steer safely and the effort of driving left him  short of breath even with his little portable concentrator.

I called the hay guy and asked him if he could help out. He agreed to unload and put the bales in the shed for me. I asked him if I could pay him extra and he said NO. When I handed him the cash he looked me in the eye and asked if I'd snuck in any extra money. 

"No," I replied, "Rich said you'd be offended if I put it in the envelope anyway."

His answer? "I would!" I couldn't ask for a more kind person!

Not only did the hay guy unload and stack with our skid steer he also re-graded the driveway where he tore up the gravel.

The bales, if you are wondering are 3' X 3' X 8'. Their average weight is approximately 900 or so pounds. 

Anyway. I feel better one day and then rotten the next. The appetite has gone by the wayside along with my energy levels.

The events of the past week has had me rethinking our situation of living so remotely. If I got really sick, there is no real good long term solution. That is a sobering thought.

Today is another day. So far, so good.


  1. First, it's a big relief Rich hasn't caught whatever it is you have. You need some nutrition. Soup would be good, the bland kind like chicken with rice. Dr. Sandra, here.

    I have thought about what would happen if Mark became unable to care for the horses. It's a big concern. I'm not as rural as you are, so that is less of a concern for me, but it's a huge one for you. These things are difficult to face.

    1. I had exactly that the day before yesterday. Chicken soup with rice. It actually tasted wonderful. Yesterday, the thought of food was awful. I did make some fried eggs for supper. But anything else aside from lots of water was not palatable!

  2. Oh no. I hope you feel better soon! We still have a respiratory virus here, but no tummy trouble. I'm so glad you have people to help you out. It is sobering to think of the future. I know i always saw myself as the picture of health and living to 100.

    1. Oh I thought I'd live forever and be super human healthy. I always thought, it can't happen to me. Haha. Jokes on me.

  3. The things we think about as we begin to age. I hope the current illness passes soon.

  4. Anonymous8:52 AM

    You are a very strong person and will get through this. Aging has certainly has had an impact on me and it seems that things happen more frequently. One day at a time. So glad you had help with your hay. Lori

  5. Feeling weak and debilitated is a very humbling thing.
    How wonderful to have someone stack your hay- now that I am officially old, I had help stacking the small square bales I bought this year (instead of big round bales). Ted can't help because he too has breathing problems and painful hands. It was nice to get help.
    I sure hope whatever you have goes away asap and that Rich doesn't get it.

  6. I was thinking yesterday that you have been hit pretty hard and that it might be Covid or RSV...I sure hope you feel better this week...it has been 10 days plus since you first got sick. Might be time for a Dr visit maybe you have something secondary since you are not bouncing back. Yes I share your concerns...luckily we have made it through some tough times...it all makes a person think about what if???

    1. Yes, hit harder than I've ever been before. I cannot recall ever being sick from a cold for more than a few days.
      And yes, we've sat down with my son and made some future adjustment plans.
      Since I went through aging first hand with my dad, my MIL, and now Rich, I get it that sitting down and looking at future situations must be considered.

  7. The VA called yesterday, Covid is on the rise here and they opened up their covid ward again as did the other hospitals in Fargo. They told Gene to isolate himself.

    1. Yes, we had Emergency Management/Health Dept. for the city and county report that we were at critical Covid levels due to water waste testing.

  8. COVID is on the rise here, as well. When I had it this summer, poor Joe knew he'd get it and shopped right away, getting freezer food. What a time we had.
    I hear you about coping with chores.
    We stayed home for two weeks. Take care.

    1. I recall that and it was pretty awful for you.

  9. Anonymous7:59 PM

    LD. I am so sorry you have been so sick and for so long. My son always wants to diagnose me over the phone. I don’t care what it is I just want it to be over with.

    1. I get that! I think I may have finally turned a corner, but I am giving it a couple of more days.

  10. My thought was the same as your son's. I had no idea they test water waste for Covid levels. Personally haven't heard of anyone having Covid lately. Guess I am living in a bubble. What a relief that Rich has not caught what ever gotcha!

    Glad you surround yourself with good people! Take 'er easy!!


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