Friday, August 02, 2024

Happy August


It has started out very August-y. Hot Hot Hot. But the gnats have started to dissipate here and being out in the flower garden is more comfortable [in the shade]. 

I am bummed. I woke up yesterday morning and listened for our resident wren. She/he always sings and scolds me when I go out with Charlie. In fact several wrens generally serenade the yard each summer morning.

I was left wanting. 

Their voices have disappeared. Left in their place are crickets and an occasional Robin, Wood Thrush, and Woodpecker voice in the predawn. Another voice not heard is the Red Wing Black Bird. The birds are starting to migrate.

Hmmm. Not to be a bummer, but I read somewhere that August is also the month where we lose a significant amount of daylight. 😔 

I still feel like it should be ... more nice summer and not heading towards fall. But that is how nature works, right?

Time waits for no one?

However, August is the time for flower gardens to shine in their glory with annuals!

My Zinnias that were not doing well have finally hit their peak! So color me happy!
They aren't as plentiful or tall as they have been in years past, but I adore being able to cut bouquets of them and add color to my kitchen counter.

This side garden of flowers was all my leftover seeds from last year. I did not expect to have this!
The girls say good morning!

Here is a closer shot of the orange cosmos bunch. They are thick as thieves and I don't think any weeds even grew up in between them. So much for spacing them out a few inches. I just dumped the seeds on the ground and raked it, then stomped them into the dirt. 

I'll be gathering a lot of these seeds again this fall.

This makes me smile even though August races us towards Fall.

Some other stray cosmos got in the mix. My favorite colors of cosmos are the multicolored ones, but the orange ones sure are prolific with their fern like foliage and bright colors.

And then there was a huge surprise. A white Malva aka known as Prairie Mallow came up in the middle of the orange cosmos!

They are related in a way to Hollyhocks, but are more sturdy and readily reseed. I hope to see more of these white beauties next year. I'll have to collect their seeds even though they will do it themselves.

The humming birds are going crazy over the 4 O'clocks in the evening and through the morning. The flowers close up during the day and re-open with a sweet scent all evening.
I have hundreds of these plants on the west side of the house.

Every year now, I collect Nasturtium seeds and replant a few around the porch. Each August I am always surprised as to how they want to spread out and take over everywhere. 

I let them. Here they crowd out the stepping stones to the porch. The violets are volunteers from a hanging planter I had there last year. They actually are doing better as volunteers than they did in a hanging pot.

I'm going to let the plants do what they want and just carefully go around them.

I have one more spot that I planted with Zinnias and Cosmos. It is an area where the old veggie garden used to be. Next year I hope to add another small extension of carefree flowers. 

The morning glories have gone crazy and have covered the wagon wheel. I had to put out a couple of posts to give them more climbing area.

Have a good weekend and stay cool. 


  1. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Our robins are still busy in the baths. It surprises me that they’re still here, but I expect they will go elsewhere soon. At least that has been the pattern.

    1. According to some of the bird sites, Robins will leave when it gets cold or when the food they can eat starts to get scarce.
      I did see a huge flock of Robins a few years ago that stayed through the winter in our valley. I was very surprised!

      I assume that they will start migrating soon also, if they do what is normal for them. Unless the warm weather keeps them around.

  2. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Your gardens look very happy! We have many of the same plants. Staying cool has not been an option lately....I hate the humidity. Thanks for the tour! Lori

    1. Yikes. A nice fan always helps.
      The gardens are doing well despite my lack of attention.

  3. Your flowers are gorgeous! Such a nice touch of color for a hot and humid August!

    1. After Sunday, things may cool down a bit. I have my fingers crossed.

  4. Your flowers are som pretty! A few more days of heat and then it may cool off here. I love pretty what ever color they are!

    1. Yes, cosmos are really so easy to grow and fun to look at. I like the colorful ones best, but enjoy the orange ones as they seem to really grow tall and produce so many flowers!

      I'll be picking seeds to save quite soon!

  5. Gene says he is still hearing some Wrens but not as many as there were...the Piliated woodpecker brought in a baby...nearly as big as the parent but very vocal:)

    1. Nice! I miss the wrens. It was like they were crazy busy this last week and suddenly their voices are gone. I'm still enjoying the catbird calls too though!

  6. Your flowers are so pretty! I am looking forward to autumn. I'm also a weirdo who likes winter. As Lori said recently, summer has become my least favorite season. I hear eagles screeching more than anything. It's hard not to hear them!

    1. As soon as the turkey buzzards migrate we will see a lot more eagles. Eagles chirp you may be hearing hawks, they do a lot of screeching!

  7. I love your assistant gardener!
    I am already missing the bird songs. Once they finished breeding, their songs stop. Our insect eaters migrate so soon.

  8. Ooooh orange Cosmos! I haven't seen them before. Mine (all volunteers) are pinks and white.
    The wrens have left here too, I sure enjoyed their songs. We have fledgling Eastern Kingbirds now, their voices are nowhere near as harmonious.


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