Friday, July 19, 2024

Luck, Flowers, Trees

 Did you know that spotting a Hummingbird Moth is supposed to bring you good luck and prosperity?

Did you also know that they like Bee Balm, Verbena, and Phlox as their favorite flowers and food?
I didn't. However, by sheer luck I have all three types of flowers around my house. 

The Bee Balm below is next to my outhouse.

The Phlox is on the west side of the house, but next year I will be moving another group of them to the east side also.

I have verbena in pots on the porch in a couple of colors. I had no idea they were attractive to Hummingbird Moths until a year or so ago when I planted a bunch of them and saw my first Hummingbird moth! 

4 O'clocks are also a Hummingbird favorite along with Zinnias. The seeds I gathered last year for the Zinnias haven't done well this year. 

5 years ago I got two little patches of Creeping Thyme from one of the neighbors. She had a garden from the previous owner that she was just going to cover with plastic and river rock. I 'rescued' some plants and now I have large swaths of creeping thyme. Right now they are in bloom.

There is almost no maintenance to these delightful plants. They grow low. They spread, they smell wonderful and the flowers attract so many tiny bees and larger bees!

Okay. Enough about that. Remember that Dunnum fellow I talked to? He said he'd be out over the weekend. No show, no contact. 

I contacted him again and gave him some more time. After 7 days of waiting for an estimate, I have contacted two other companies. 

Now I'll wait and see who may come out and do the work.

I understand being busy, but if you have a potential customer wouldn't you at least message that customer to set up a definite date and time ... AND deal with it or message that customer with a reason for the no show? I assume that this person doesn't want my money. Cha-ching.

I'm determined to get this project done this summer. Last year was the driveway. This year, the trees that are dead and dying that will impact my sheds and house need to go.


Here is a guy that I can always depend on to show up for work daily. 

Little Richard:

And...I leave you with one last flower photo...

My wagon wheel of Morning Glories with Bee Balm and Milkweeds...

Wish me luck! 

The Hummingbird Clearwing Moth is supposed to bring me some!!!!


  1. Now I know why I have Hummingbird Moths! Thanks for the info. Cleaver idea using the wagon wheel as a trellis. I like it. I hope someone takes the job for you.

  2. Great idea with the wagon wheel! Do you ever save the seeds from the Bee Balm? Humming bird moths are so cool, glad you have some and they bring you luck!! Hope you find someone to do the work you need done.

    1. I didn't know they had seeds! But I can figure it out. I just take a few and transplant them when I want more in another location.
      Yep, apparently everyone brags about their work, but maybe no one is doing it??? :(

  3. So frustrating. I will rant. This is 2024. Phones have automatic message reply. A business can have a reply that says "I apologize. We are overwhelmed with work and jobs at this time. We are asking you to be very patient with us returning your call. If you need assistance sooner, we understand that you need to contact other contractors". It would require pushing one button. If they can't honor an appointment, do you want to guess if they are showing up to do the work? Remember when businesses at least had common courtesy?

    1. A text would work. I don't even need a call. Just a text that says...hey we are busy, I'll get to you....and then set a target time and date.

      I was frustrated when I tried this a few years ago. One guy came out and looked and said he made more money in logging so he wasn't interested but he'd charge me a whole lot extra if I really wanted to get it done.

      I love their advertising....Quick and responsive!
      Gimme a break!

  4. Lack of follow through is no way to run a business. Hope you find someone who will actually be responsible and do a good job.
    Bee balm makes very good tea. I harvest the flowers as well as the leaves and dry them, I like to add them to nettle tea but they are very good on their own. Did you know that they are the source of the bergamot flavor of Earl Grey tea?

    1. Awesome! Do you dehydrate the flowers and leaves or just air dry them?

      As for businesses? I'm losing faith in them!

  5. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Your place looks great and I love Little Richard. We are loaded with Bee Balm And I've seen many bees (and butterflies). Hopefully you will get a response considering all the luck that is coming your way!

  6. I had bee balm like tha aat my old place. It was invazive and I liked it that way. I am having trouble growing it here at the new place. Maybe will move it.


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