Saturday, June 01, 2024

Good bye May...

That's a wrap for May 2024.

We made it one more month!

Spring did its Springing and babies were born. I saw a newly hatched Sandhill Crane! I saw leaves sprout and come out in full force!

Yesterday, after checking fences, I saw a fawn standing in the pasture staring at me. When I pulled the photos from the trail camera in the woods, I saw another fawn. They are cute little buggers aren't they?

I found 3 morel mushrooms.

I found several meals of Golden Oyster mushrooms!

We saw some amazing lights in the sky with the Aurora Borealis.

We had rain. Rain, rain...

and for the first time in a year, we had water flowing in our creek again!

Our Ridge had a new human birth! Now the little ones out number the elders on the ridge!

We mowed our yard more often in May than we did all last year.

I took a sneak peak at my 'logged' hikes/walks which are not terribly accurate because I don't always take my cell phone with me when I go check fences and whatnot. This month I had 27 miles of hikes that I actually was mindful of 'logging'.  

I enjoyed 4 great hikes. Two at Duck Egg and two at KVR. All of those hikes were meandering hikes up and down hills while searching for spring flowers.

I'm looking forward to June.

Tomorrow I am doing a long hike which I've done before a couple of times. Two ladies from the gym are joining me. So this should be very interesting.
One youngster is a nurse who visits our local nursing homes. She is easily 20 years younger than me. The other lady is closer to my age. She raises show quality sheep. We kayaked together last year on the Mississippi River.

We aren't going to try and break hiking records, but are going for fun and I'm sure the conversations will be interesting. Put three ladies together on a journey and you each learn more about each other.

Goodbye May.

Welcome June. 


  1. You made good use of May. There was a fawn in my front yard yesterday. We have had so much rain we are waterlogged. It looks like it's going to rain right now. Enjoy you hike with friends.

  2. May was an interesting month here too. Births, deaths, crazy weather, gardening work, and an endless list of projects that need to be done!
    Your month was definitely active!

  3. Enjoy your hike and the company of your friends! They sound like very interesting woman and the conversations sound like they will be sensational! Fun!

  4. Nothin' cuter than baby feet! You had a good month of May!

  5. Anonymous11:07 AM

    May was a good one for you. Loved all the photos. LD


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