Saturday, July 08, 2023

Huge Score at the Farmer's Market !

I went last Saturday to go pick up veggies for the week. I was able to pick up Bok Choy, Swiss Chard, Leaf Lettuce, summer squash, zucchini, and radishes. My total cost? $15 for a week's worth of great veggies.

I filled my bag up and decided to walk around the Market and found out is was Kid Vendor Day which they do once a month. Kids bring items they have made or would like to sell and set up a table. Last year, one girl was selling rocks. I could have looked for a very similar one on my own land, but she knew all the names of the types of rocks she had. In fact she could ID them better than I could.

So I purchased two from her to put in my garden.

This time around I spotted a youngster with a table full of Legos and Lego characters. I stopped by to look at what he had and made a purchase of a few items.

His mom was there and from the looks of what was on the table, the Legos were a mix of old [vintage] Legos and new Legos.

I purchased a few of the ones I'd never seen before.

When I got home I looked up this one. The camel is from an old set. Of course without the original numbers and packing, I can't prove a thing. But when I looked it up I found Rare Retired Legos: Camel 

The average price on a few sites was $48. Of course that was for ones that had never been played with.

I was pretty tickled that I got this minifigure and the camel along with some miscellaneous pieces for $3.

The Yoda figure has always been out of a sensible price range. Some of the prices for Yoda range from $33 to $80 something depending on the model. I got Yoda, Hans Solo [20 year edition] and the droid soldiers for $3.

The whole haul for $12: 

The little sun catcher was made by one of my other neighbor's children and I purchased that along with a little succulent they were selling. I got storm troopers, Darth Vader, a couple of firefighters, and a little stand that looked like a sales booth at the Farmer's Market.

I reworked the Legos and made a MOC of my friend's stand at the Farmer's Market.

He would be the person with the cowboy hat on and the Garlic Man sign behind him. He is known locally as the garlic man.

I then did a mock up of my friend Randall and his wife working at their place in this dry, hot, dusty, drought we are having.

Deb has been really stressed because of the heat, bad air quality, and the drought. She suffers from asthma. She really puts a lot of her heart and soul into her gardens and the Market. I sent these to her and she used them [with permission] on her FB page.

She and Randall have acres and acres of produce that they raise. She also makes incredible jellies and jams for sale at the market. I never miss a chance to get some of her wild grape jelly when I am not able to make my own.

During those hot hot days last weekend I sat in the A/C and created some more market scenarios just for fun. It was fun to do.

The one below is close to my friend's set up for their booth. She has shelves with all of her delicious salsas, jellies, and other goodies on shelves. Too bad Lego didn't have jars!

Eat your vegetables!

Anyway, that is what I was doing last week with all the heat and humidity along with the terrible Air.

This Saturday, it will be in the 70's and overcast. So we have a break from the awful heat we had for the first few days of July.

Pesky Rabbits!

Have a great weekend.


  1. You did well on your shopping excursion. I'll be picking zucchini and basil today. Time to make some pesto. You lighten my day with your scenes.

  2. A friend found a rare lego piece in a large container load, sold it for hundreds of pounds, I had no idea! I am quite fascinated by the legolostatsea Instagram page.

    1. That is a cool page! Thanks for the name!

  3. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Very cool! I love finding collectables in places where folks are just trying to clear them out. Lots of people don't really care about the value, they just don't want to throw them away.

  4. You got some way cool Legos! Good shopping trip! :)

  5. Great finds to mix into your lego world!! No doubt the little boy (and for sure the mom) appreciated your purchases. Valuable lessons learned from Kid Vendor Day. Such a cute event!

  6. It is fun to pick up things for your collection. I use to by glass things at sales just because they were pretty and I like glass. I have never seen the camel either. What a lot of fun for just a little money.


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