Monday, June 19, 2023

Dis... organized?

I went downstairs to get the clippers so I could clip the mule's manes. I'm late doing it this year. As usual.

I picked up a strange blue colored hammer when I grabbed the clippers off the shelf. Hmmm, must have been left behind by the electrician from a few weeks ago.

I put the clipper boxes on the porch so I could get right to the clipping job. When I took the hammer to the kitchen to take a photo and send it to the electrician, I noticed the floor was pretty dirty. I walked around the house and picked up all the rugs to get shaken.

Then I started randomly picking things up in one spot and putting things in another. When I turned around I noticed that the little table the tv was on needed dusting. And behind that? The window sill could use a bit of attention.

I opened the windows wide to let in fresh morning air and then got out the window cleaner. Oh wait, I wanted to vacuum. When I walked past the bathroom, I picked up the trash and cleaned the little bin, then took the trash out and ...

somehow in a most unorganized yet busy manner got the house vacuumed, mopped, windows washed, sills cleaned and discovered that I still had not addressed the mysterious hammer. Plus the clippers were still on the porch next to a pile of rugs that needed cleaning.

I finally did get a shot of the hammer and send it off to the electrician, but not before I had the two Lasko fans pulled apart and washed.

Oh and the mules?

Here is Sunshine, my red headed darling...before clipping.

and after...

I didn't get shots of the others as I did them, but they sure look more like mules than some strange equine now.

And then a couple hours later we had rain! Beautiful wonderful amazing rain.

We may have gotten 1/2" all total. Hopefully the pastures will green up a bit.

Looks like I'll be out doing some wild fungi foraging and searching this afternoon in the sweltering heat!


  1. Your procedure sounds a lot like mine. Hard to follow from outside, but still effective. Everything gets done.

  2. Some days I do the same thing only I start a bunch of projects and no all get finished the same day:) Glad you got rain....stay cool:)

  3. Anonymous8:21 PM

    I'd say you were very productive!!! Lori

  4. I do the same wandering but without the productivity.

  5. Aww Sunshine looks like a sweetheart, getting all gussied up. Impressive clipping! I still can't make my bridle paths even. lol.

    As for your dis...organization, I bounce around like that every day. I am SO glad you got some rain!! We didn't get one single drop. At least some places in WI are getting some needed moisture. If we don't get any rain with this weekends forecast, we will be buying hay for sure. Would rather not have to trailer from out of State.

  6. A very productive day! You gotta roll with it when that kind of inspiration strikes.


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