Thursday, April 21, 2022

My Life in Legos

 Muck the pony stall...

Pick up manure!

Drive Safely!

Check fences...[I don't have a Lego 4 wheeler, this will have to do!]

Ride... [We do have a grey mule, so is this close???]

Explore... [There will be more of this going on as the Forest floor awakens with Spring Beauties and other wild flowers!!]

With the rains and warmer temperatures coming, I am looking forward to hunting wildflowers and morels!


  1. I really enjoy your lego animations. I like building with my grand kids when they come to visit. I lean towards building structures. Your pieces do illustrate the real things that you have to do.

  2. Fun stuff! You are one busy lady!!

  3. You have a collection of all you kinda lego's! I can relate and do a lot of these same reenactments.


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