Tuesday, October 26, 2021

That old Trunk and other things

That old trunk I moved into the kitchen area happened to end up staying there. Somedays I use it for a laundry folding spot, some days I used it for...well,

 I had a huge list of to-do's and some of it included the 'other' half. But just after his coffee and breakfast he went back to bed. Such can be our routine.

I thought I'd let it warm up a bit outside before I approached installing the large tank heater. If I busied myself with laundry and doing something creative, I could stay in the house and keep an eye on things.

My friend at the Farmer's Market had set aside a couple of neat gourds she thought I might like for me on Saturday. She said, "I thought of you and your pictures!"

So how could I not use them to do a bit of still life?
I admit, I don't have a studio and I don't have the fancy lighting stuff, but this will have to do for right now. I enjoyed picking out some paper to use as foreground and backround and trying to arrange things in a pleasing manner.

According to some Still Life experts, I don't follow the rules of just 3 objects, dramatic lighting, and moving from tall to short.

I have tried and tried to emulate some of those amazing and dramatic photos, but I keep coming back to just having some fun. 

I mean who can keep from smiling at Groot and a tiny wooden deer?
I have a feeling that Groot will keep showing up now and again.

Then of course, I had to clean up and organize things.
But not before just a bit more fun...
toys behaving badly....

Mice in the cupboards? 

Then I had to put things away and make lunch and tend to my mules.

The above is a sample of the odd box I found. The bottom piece is the only drawer our old kitchen had. Yes, you read that correctly. Our old kitchen had one drawer that was long and narrow. 

After tending to hubby and his lunch, I was able to find football highlights on YouTube for him to watch while I changed out the tank heater and did some in hand work with Siera. She seems a bit off in attitude with all the other mules. She is generally bossy and has been hanging out away from the others.

I have a call into the farrier for a trim anyway. He is fantastic at spotting any issues.

Finally, Charlie and I headed for the woods to collect SD cards from the cameras and have some quiet time.

Who can resist a Halloween themed photo....


  1. That is a nice set up! Fun stuff! One drawer...bet it held alot of stuff!

  2. It was filled with rubber bands, tiny screws, twist ties, and all those things we never know where to put. It was the junk drawer. My silverware was kept in a pantry along with dishes and everything else. :)

  3. I hope you know how wonderful your still shots are?! The toys being naughty shot is too funny, ha haa!! The depth of the Halloween photo is great too. Love the old trunk and all that it offers!

  4. I hope you know how great your still life shots are. The toys behaving badly, lol!! Nice depth on the skull shot.

    1. Thank you, it is just something I enjoy and can use to do happy distracting things.


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