Monday, April 01, 2019

Dance with the Fairies

...ride a Unicorn
...touch Fireflies to the Moon

Oh I know that isn't how the quote goes... but it is that sort of feeling I wanted to portray with some recent photos I took on a birding hike.

I took some photos of Sandhill Cranes and Geese, along with a Heron flying over head.
I listened to the calls of the migrating birds as I walked down some trails.

And I couldn't help myself but try to see the world in a different way.

And so I did.

I found magic in my little pocket camera.


  1. Magic for sure! :) Hope you are having a good week!

    1. Looks like I need to catch up on things. But so far, it has been a quiet week. Next week? Eeeks!


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