Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Deep Dream AI Art

There are a lot of arguments out there that say anything that is computer generated is not/cannot be considered art.

I assume that will be the same argument placed on those who create 'art' with the artificial intelligence program called Deep Dream Generator.

I'd heard about it and then a friend who does some incredible computer art sent me a link to Deep Dream Generator.
The images created for free are not large enough to really make prints out of, but there is a fee you can pay to do that. Not sure I will go there, however, it was fun to explore what A.I. does do to photos or some other computer generated art like Mandelbulb 3D or Incendia.

Here is some creations I did just from some photos.

Deep Dream:

Deep Dream:
Deep Dream variations:

I wasn't quite happy with the blue version so I did a bit of my own editing...


Deep Dream Variations:
[These I like the best of all...]

I then combined the two to make this:
This is my favorite so far and any one of these are ones I wouldn't mind having as wall art.

Last but not least, I wanted to try a Abstract I'd done with a computer program.

This was made by combination of fractals in a program called Incendia. Free to download.

Deep Deep Dream Generator:

This just was creepy!

I enjoy photography as well as 3D software and fractals. I like to dabble in a bit of it here and there.
Since insomnia was an issue, I thought I'd play around in 'another' world so to speak.


  1. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Val those are incredible. My humble opinion is that anything we create is art. Truly good photo's like you take are an artistic talent and then to be able to take the pictures to the next level is a gift. Thank you for sharing and giving me a smile. I agree, the last one is creepy.

  2. Thanks Mary! I like to dabble in any form of art.


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