Saturday, April 30, 2016

Calgon take me away

Sunday ends a brutal work stretch of odd hours and many many hours.  I'm not complaining about the hours and the pay mind you, I just got a bit overwhelmed.

The house remodel is coming along.  I have to call the General Contractor and ask him to come and take a look at things.  Seems the plumber and the concrete people see a problem that the excavator didn't/couldn't take care of and since it isn't their job to fix it...the drain and the drain tile work stop about 15 feet from the basement.

The floor is ready to go in...but...well, there you go, that is why we have a GC, it is his job to take care of the little details.

In the Merry Meadow, the wild apple trees are starting to show buds, well...they were on Wednesday.  I'd like to go out and wander around a bit today and take some spring photos.

Hubby hasn't felt well most of the week due to a med change and error in his part of not taking his meds properly.  
Of course with my heavy work load this week, I haven't been able to help out as much as I like to.  Plus I felt guilty of leaving hubby on his own for some meals.
He is terrible about properly feeding himself.  
I leave him a meal and he eats cheese and crackers.

I'm also getting tired of dreary skies.  Apparently the sun will shine tomorrow while I am at work.  

I was able to grab a few moments earlier this week to do my weekly Still Life photo.  Last Saturday while I was running errands in town, I was able to pick up a china cup and saucer for $1.  I thought it would look nice in a photo and it was pretty.  I also picked up a Chicken Cookie Jar for $2.  It will look very nice on my new kitchen counter!

Here is the new cup and saucer.  I photographed it on the concrete floor in the living room.  This spot used to have bricks on it which we have removed for the remodeling.

I also was amused to find a photo from February that I'd taken of a pair of gloves.  I was going to toss them out, but I still find them useful.

I am wondering if I can use the wooden pallets that the concrete guys have left behind for something useful.  I'm already thinking of how I can take some old wood crates and re use them ... oh
mind is 


  1. I can't wait to see the progress being made with the remodeling. Idea for pallets...
    Set them on the ground in your garden area (veggie), put some of that black landscaping cloth underneath i†. Fill with dirt between the slots and plant spinach or lettuce. There should be no weeding and it will be in nice little rows.

    Great photos! Hope your husband is feeling better.

  2. Hope your hubby feels better soon! I love the picture of the gloves. It is poetic. And as far as dreary skies, I am used to them living here in Germany :)

  3. I have several ideas for the Pallets and one of them is to make an outdoor coffee table for the porch. Using it in the garden would be fun! I may do something like that, if hubby doesn't nab them for setting hay on, Lori.


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