Today his mom, Valerie, apparently would not let him nurse. This morning he was bright and bold, this afternoon he was again weak.
To make a long story short, we penned Valerie who had a royal fit and tied her up.
We tried to put TS on her teats but he seemed not to know what to do or perhaps he was unable...that I will never know.
I'd suggested having milk replacer on hand, but the other half was against it. Said...*he'd do fine, he just had to do it.*
Now I know enough that Valerie is a very young heifer and perhaps her teats were sore...or perhaps she is not yet mature enough. She seems to want to be a good mom, but TS had a tough start.
Frustrated, my husband asked if I had 'any better ideas'. Yeah it was a tense moment.
I said 'of course I did' and proceeded to try and find a baby bottle.
I found a small container and a large 2 oz. syringe with no needle.
I milked Valerie. She has never been milked. She was very unhappy with me at first...
Anyone who knows a Dexter knows how short they are. I had to milk very close to the ground and one time she kicked a partially full container out of my hand.
I was determined.
I was able to milk her.
TS wasn't real receptive at first, but I held him in my lap and dripped the warm milk into his mouth.
After 2 oz. he began to get lively and greedy. Even stood up to take the milk.
After about 7 1/2 oz. he seemed full.
I stripped Valerie of the rest of her milk and then with hubby's help, let her go.
Oh yeah, I was a mess, warm fresh milk all over my clothes and dirt and manure all over me. But I was pleased and hopeful that my efforts had paid off.
Now here is the funny part.
TS was content to lay down and go to sleep after a brief spurt of energy.
He was shivering lightly.
I grabbed him and put him in my lap, close to me.
Hubby asked if I was going to let TS sleep with me.
I quipped 'No, but I am tempted to sleep with him in the pasture!'
And the truth is, if it had been colder, I would have.
I have a sneaking suspicion that I'll be out there tonight.
After all, I'm a momma too.
Good for you, it's not easy to tweak mother nature, but it's worth a try. Good luck, sure is a handsome looking calf.